Epiboly — E*pib o*ly, n. [Cf. Gr. ? a throwing upon.] (Biol.) Epibolic invagination. See under {Invagination}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
epiboly — [ē pib′ə lē] n. [Gr epibolē, a throwing upon < epiballein, to throw upon < epi , on, upon + ballein, to throw: see BALL2] Embryology the growth of a group of cells around another group, resulting from the more rapid division of the former,… … English World dictionary
epiboly — noun (plural lies) Etymology: Greek epibolē addition, from epiballein to throw on, from epi + ballein to throw more at devil Date: 1875 the growing of one part about another; especially such growth of the dorsal lip area during gastrulation •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
epiboly — the thinning and spreading movement of the embryonic cell mass over the surface of the yolk, eventually encompassing the yolk completely … Dictionary of ichthyology
epiboly — См. epibole … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
epiboly — The process in early embryonic development in which a monolayer of dividing cells (blastoderm) spreads over the surface of a large yolk filled egg (eg. those of teleosts, reptiles and birds) … Dictionary of molecular biology
epiboly — epibolic /ep euh bol ik/, adj. /i pib euh lee/, n., pl. epibolies. Embryol. the movement and spreading out of cells into sheets of tissue that overlie or surround other groups of cells, esp. as in the formation of certain gastrulas. [1870 75; … Universalium
epiboly — noun ɛˈpɪbəli The expansion of one cell sheet over other cells, as takes place during gastrulation … Wiktionary
epiboly — epib·o·ly … English syllables
epiboly — e•pib•o•ly [[t]ɪˈpɪb ə li[/t]] n. pl. lies dvl the movement of a group of cells over a more slowly dividing group, resulting in an outer and inner layer, as in a gastrula • Etymology: 1870–75; < Gk epibolḗ the act of throwing or laying on, n.… … From formal English to slang