- Synthesis
- Putting together different entities to make a whole which is new and different. In biochemistry, synthesis refers specifically to the process of building compounds from more elementary substances by means of one or more chemical reactions. For example, the adipocyte is a cell that is specialized in the synthesis and storage of fat.
* * *1. A building up, putting together, composition. 2. In chemistry, the formation of compounds by the union of simpler compounds or elements. 3. Stage in the cell cycle in which DNA is synthesized as a preliminary to cell division. [G. fr. syn, together, + thesis, a placing, arranging]- Kiliani-Fischer s. a synthetic procedure for the extension of the carbon atom chain of aldoses by treatment with cyanide; hydrolysis of the cyanohydrins followed by reduction of the lactone yields the homologous aldose; with this method, d-glucose and d-mannose can be synthesized from d-arabinose.- protein s. the process in which individual amino acid s, whether of exogenous or endogenous origin, are connected to each other in peptide linkage in a specific order dictated by the sequence of nucleotides in DNA; this governing sequence is conveyed to the synthesizing apparatus in the ribosomes by mRNA, formed by base-pairing on the DNA template.
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1) the composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole2) the production of a substance by the union of chemical elements, groups, or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound <protein \synthesis>* * *
syn·the·sis (sinґthə-sis) [Gr. “a putting together, compositionâ€] 1. the creation of an integrated whole by the combining of simpler parts or entities. 2. the formation of a chemical compound by the union of its elements or from other suitable components. 3. in psychiatry, the integration of the various elements of the personality.
Medical dictionary. 2011.