
The joint fluid. The term synovia was invented in 1520 by the Swiss physician (and alchemist) Paracelsus who combined the Greek syn-(together) and oon (egg) to create a name for any body fluid that looked like the white of an egg. Today, synovia is restricted to the fluid that lubricates joints.
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SYN: synovial fluid. [Mod. L., a word coined by Paracelsus, fr. G. syn, together, + oon (L. ovum), egg]

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sy·no·via sə-'nō-vē-ə, sī- n SYNOVIAL FLUID

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the thick colourless lubricating fluid that surrounds a joint or a bursa and fills a tendon sheath. It is secreted by the synovial membrane.

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sy·no·via (sĭ-noґve-ə) [L., from Gr. syn with + ōon egg] [TA] a transparent alkaline viscid fluid, resembling the white of an egg, secreted by the synovial membrane, and contained in joint cavities, bursae, and tendon sheaths; called also synovial fluid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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