Dupuytren's contracture

Dupuytren's contracture
Du·puy·tren's contracture -.pwē-'tranz-, -'pwē-trənz- n a condition marked by fibrosis with shortening and thickening of the palmar aponeurosis resulting in flexion contracture of the fingers into the palm of the hand
Du·puy·tren -pwē-tran Guillaume (1777-1835)
French surgeon. Dupuytren was the leading French surgeon of his day. His greatest achievements were in surgical pathology, and they include: the first excision of the lower jaw (1812), a successful ligation of the external iliac artery (1815), the first successful treatment of aneurysm by compression (1818), a successful ligation of the subclavian artery (1819), surgical treatment of wryneck (1822), the development of an operation for the creation of an artificial anus (1828), and a classification of burns into four divisions (1832). The contracture that bears his name was described in 1831.

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a flexion deformity of the fingers (usually the ring and little fingers) caused by contracture of the fascia in the palm and fingers. The condition is treated by surgical excision of the contracted and thickened tissue.
Baron G. Dupuytren (1777-1835), French surgeon

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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