dumping syndrome

dumping syndrome
dump·ing syndrome 'dəm-piŋ- n a condition characterized by weakness, dizziness, flushing and warmth, nausea, and palpitation immediately or shortly after eating and produced by abnormally rapid emptying of the stomach esp. in individuals who have had part of the stomach removed

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a group of symptoms that sometimes occur after operations on the stomach, particularly gastrectomy (postgastrectomy syndrome). After a meal, especially one rich in carbohydrate, the patient feels faint, weak, and nauseous, has a rapid pulse, and may sweat and become pale. The attack lasts 30 minutes to two hours and is caused by rapid stomach emptying, leading to falls in blood sugar and the drawing of fluid from the blood into the intestine. Avoidance of carbohydrate meals may relieve the syndrome but further surgery is sometimes required.

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a complex reaction seen with rapid gastric emptying (see under emptying). Characteristics include nausea, weakness, sweating, palpitation, varying degrees of syncope, often a sensation of warmth, and sometimes diarrhea. It occurs most often in patients who have had partial gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy. Called also jejunal s. and postgastrectomy s.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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