duct of Wirsung

duct of Wirsung
duct of Wir·sung -'vir-(.)zu̇ŋ, -zəŋ n PANCREATIC DUCT (a)
Wirsung Johann Georg (1600-1643)
German anatomist. A professor of anatomy at Padua, Italy, Wirsung discovered and drew an illustration of the excretory duct of the pancreas in 1642. The following year he published a formal description. Shortly thereafter, he was assassinated in a dispute over his claims of discovery.

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ductus pancreaticus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • duct of wirsung — ˈvir(ˌ)zu̇ŋ, rzəŋ Usage: usually capitalized W Etymology: after Johann G. Wirsung died 1643 German anatomist : the chief duct of the pancreas conducting its secretions to the duodenum compare duct of santorini …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wirsung — may refer to:* Johann Georg Wirsung, a German anatomist * the pancreatic duct, also called duct of Wirsung …   Wikipedia

  • Wirsung's duct — Wir·sung s duct vir .su̇ŋz n PANCREATIC DUCT (a) J. G. Wirsung see DUCT OF WIRSUNG …   Medical dictionary

  • duct of santorini — ˌsantəˈrēnē, ˌsän Usage: usually capitalized S Etymology: after Giovanni D. Santorini died 1737? Italian anatomist : an accessory pancreatic duct branching from the duct of Wirsung and opening into the duodenum above the main duct …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Wirsung duct — Wir·sung duct (vērґsoong) [Johann Georg Wirsung, German physician in Italy, 1600–1643] see ductus pancreaticus …   Medical dictionary

  • Wirsung — Johann G., German anatomist in Padua, 1589–1643. See W. canal, W. duct …   Medical dictionary

  • Pancreatic duct — of Wirsung redirects here. For the pancreatic duct of Santorini, also known as the accessory pancreatic duct, see Accessory pancreatic duct. Pancreatic duct The pancreatic duct …   Wikipedia

  • Johann Georg Wirsung — (July 3, 1589 1643) was a German anatomist who was a long time Prosector in Padua.He is remembered for the discovery of the pancreatic duct (also duct of Wirsung ) during the dissection of a man who had been recently hanged for murder. Instead of …   Wikipedia

  • Accessory pancreatic duct — Pancreatic duct of Santorini redirects here. For the pancreatic duct of Wirsung, also known as the main pancreatic duct, see Pancreatic duct. Accessory pancreatic duct The pancreatic duct. Latin ductus pancreaticu …   Wikipedia

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