determinate cleavage — n. cell division in a fertilized or unfertilized egg resulting in daughter cells that are no longer able to produce a complete embryo by themselves * * * … Universalium
determinate cleavage — n. cell division in a fertilized or unfertilized egg resulting in daughter cells that are no longer able to produce a complete embryo by themselves … English World dictionary
determinate cleavage — noun : cleavage (sense 4a) in which each cell division irreversibly separates portions of the zygote with specific and distinct potencies for further development compare indeterminate cleavage, mosaicism … Useful english dictionary
determinate — de·ter·mi·nate di tərm (ə )nət adj relating to, being, or undergoing determinate cleavage <a determinate egg> … Medical dictionary
Cleavage (embryo) — In embryology, cleavage is the division of cells in the early embryo. The zygotes of many species undergo rapid cell cycles with no significant growth, producing a cluster of cells the same size as the original zygote. The different cells derived … Wikipedia
determinate — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin determinatus, past participle of determinare Date: 14th century 1. having defined limits < a determinate period of time > 2. definitely settled < a determinate order of precedence > 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
cleavage — 1. Series of mitotic cell divisions occurring in the ovum immediately following its fertilization. SYN: segmentation (2). SEE ALSO: c. division. 2. Splitting of a complex molecule into two or more simpler molecules. SYN: scission (2). 3 … Medical dictionary
indeterminate cleavage — n cleavage in which all the early divisions produce blastomeres with the potencies of the entire zygote compare DETERMINATE CLEAVAGE * * * division of the zygote that follows a less rigid cleavage pattern, the blastomeres having more… … Medical dictionary
indeterminate cleavage — noun : cleavage in which all the early cleavage cells possess the potencies of the entire zygote compare determinate cleavage … Useful english dictionary
Annelid — Temporal range: Early Ordovician–Recent[1] … Wikipedia