
A chamber for sterilizing with steam under pressure. The original autoclave was essentially a pressure cooker. The steam tightened the lid. The device was called an autoclave (from the Greek auto, self + clavis, key) meaning self-locking.
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1. An apparatus for sterilization by steam under pressure; it consists of a strong closed boiler containing a small quantity of water and, in a wire basket, the articles to be sterilized. 2. To sterilize in an a.. [auto- + L. clavis, a key, in the sense of self-locking]

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au·to·clave 'ȯt-ō-.klāv n an apparatus (as for sterilizing) using superheated steam under pressure
autoclave vt, -claved; -clav·ing to treat in an autoclave

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1. n. a piece of equipment for sterilizing surgical instruments, dressings, etc. It consists of a chamber, similar to a domestic pressure cooker, in which the articles are placed and treated with steam at high pressure.
2. vb. to sterilize in an autoclave.

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au·to·clave (awґto-klāv) [auto- + L. clavis key] an apparatus for effecting sterilization by steam under pressure; it is fitted with a gauge that automatically regulates the pressure and therefore the degree of heat to which the contents are subjected.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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