Cowper's gland

Cowper's gland
Cow·per's gland .kau̇-pərz-, .-pərz-, .ku̇p-ərz- n either of two small glands of which one lies on each side of the male urethra below the prostate gland and discharges a secretion into the semen called also bulbourethral gland, gland of Cowper compare BARTHOLIN'S GLAND
Cow·per 'kau̇-pər, '-pər, 'ku̇p-ər William (1666-1709)
British anatomist. In 1702 Cowper described the bulbourethral glands. The glands had been described previously, in 1684 by the French surgeon Jean Méry, but Cowper's description was so excellent that ever since they have been more commonly known as Cowper's glands.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Cowper's gland — [ko͞o′pərz, kou′pərz] n. [after William Cowper (1666 1709), Eng anatomist] either of two small glands with ducts opening into the male urethra: during sexual excitement they secrete a mucous substance: see BARTHOLIN S GLAND …   English World dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — 1738, so called because discovered by anatomist William Cowper (1666 1709); see COOPER (Cf. Cooper) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — noun Etymology: William Cowper died 1709 English surgeon Date: 1738 either of two small glands lying on either side of the male urethra below the prostate gland and discharging a secretion into the semen called also bulbourethral gland compare… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — /kow peuhrz, kooh /, Anat., Zool. either of two small glands that secrete a mucous substance into the male urethra. Also called bulbourethral gland. [1730 40; named after William Cowper (1666 1709), English anatomist, who discovered them] * * * …   Universalium

  • Cowper's gland — Cow′per s gland [[t]ˈkaʊ pərz, ˈku [/t]] n. anat. zool. either of two small glands that secrete a mucous substance into the male urethra during sexual excitement • Etymology: 1730–40; after William Cowper (1666–1709), English anatomist, who… …   From formal English to slang

  • Cowper's gland — noun either of two glands that discharge a component of seminal fluid into the urethra; homologous to Bartholin s gland in the female • Syn: ↑bulbourethral gland • Hypernyms: ↑exocrine gland, ↑exocrine, ↑duct gland • Part Holonyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — noun Anatomy either of a pair of small glands at the base of the penis which secrete a constituent of seminal fluid. Origin C18: named after the English anatomist William Cowper …   English new terms dictionary

  • Cowper's gland — noun See bulbourethral gland …   Wiktionary

  • Cowper cyst gland etc. — Cow·per cyst, gland, etc. (kouґpər) [William Cowper, English surgeon, 1666–1709] see under syringocele; see ductus glandulae bulbourethralis, glandula bulbourethralis; and see pectineal fascia, under fascia …   Medical dictionary

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