Coronoid process — The Coronoid process (from Greek korone, like a crown ) can refer to: The coronoid process of the mandible, part of the ramus mandibulae of the mandible The coronoid process of the ulna, a triangular eminence projecting forward from the upper and … Wikipedia
coronoid process — noun a sharp triangular process projecting from a bone • Syn: ↑processus coronoideus • Hypernyms: ↑process, ↑outgrowth, ↑appendage • Hyponyms: ↑coronoid process of the mandible … Useful english dictionary
Coronoid process of the ulna — Bone: Coronoid process of the ulna Upper extremity of left ulna. Lateral aspect. Latin processus coronoideus ulnae The coronoid process is a triangular eminence projecting forward from the upper and front pa … Wikipedia
Coronoid process of the mandible — Bone: Coronoid process of the mandible Mandible. Outer surface. Side view. (Coronoid process labeled at top center.) Latin processus coronoideus mand … Wikipedia
coronoid process of the mandible — noun the coronoid process that provides an attachment for the temporal muscle • Hypernyms: ↑coronoid process, ↑processus coronoideus • Part Holonyms: ↑lower jaw, ↑mandible, ↑mandibula, ↑mandibular bone, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
coronoid process — /ˌkɒrənɔɪd ˈproʊsɛs/ (say .koruhnoyd prohses) noun 1. a projection from the ulna which articulates in the coronoid fossa of the humerus. 2. a process of the mandible …
coronoid process — noun Anatomy 1》 a flattened triangular projection above the angle of the jaw where the temporalis muscle is attached. 2》 a projection from the front of the ulna. Origin C18: coronoid from Gk korōnē (denoting something hooked) + oid … English new terms dictionary
coronoid process — 1) a process on the upper end of the ulna. It forms part of the notch that articulates with the humerus. 2) the process on the ramus of the mandible to which the temporalis muscle is attached … The new mediacal dictionary
coronoid process — a dorsal hump on the dorsal wing of the dentary, or on the angular or on the posterior end of Meckel s cartilage … Dictionary of ichthyology
coronoid process of mandible — processus coronoideus mandibulae … Medical dictionary