cordia pulmonalia

cordia pulmonalia
cordia pulmonalia pl of COR PULMONALE

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • cor pulmonale — noun (plural cordia pulmonalia) Etymology: New Latin, literally, pulmonary heart Date: 1857 disease of the heart characterized by hypertrophy and dilatation of the right ventricle and secondary to disease of the lungs or their blood vessels …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cor pulmonale — /kawr pool meuh nal ee, nay lee, nah , pul /, pl. cordia pulmonalia /kawr dee euh pool meuh nal ee euh, nay lee euh, nah , pul /. Pathol. a heart condition resulting from disease of the lungs or of their blood vessels. [1855 60; < NL: pulmonary… …   Universalium

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