- completion test
- com·ple·tion test kəm-'plē-shən- n an intelligence test requiring that the test taker complete a whole (as a sentence or picture) from which certain parts have been omitted
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
completion test — A test of the project s ability to perform as planned and generate the expected cash flows. After the completion test, the project can move from recourse to project financing. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
completion test — noun : an intelligence test requiring that the one to be tested complete a whole (as a sentence or picture) from which certain parts have been omitted … Useful english dictionary
sentence completion test — a projective test for assessing personality and possible psychopathology, in which the individual is asked to provide endings for unfinished sentences … Medical dictionary
completion — In the context of project financing, occurs after a Completion Test, when the project s cash flows become the primary method of repayment. Prior to completion, the primary source of repayment is usually from the sponsors or from the turnkey… … Financial and business terms
Completion undertaking — An undertaking either (1) to complete a project such that it meets certain specified performance criteria on or before a certain specified date or (2) to repay project debt if the completion test cannot be met. The New York Times Financial… … Financial and business terms
completion risk — The risk that a project will not be brought into operation successfully or be able to pass its completion test. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
completion undertaking — An undertaking either (1) to complete a project so that it meets certain specified performance criteria on or before a certain specified date, or (2) to repay project debt if the completion test cannot be met. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
complétion — ● complétion nom féminin (de compléter) Ensemble des opérations d achèvement d un puits avant sa mise en production. ● complétion (homonymes) nom féminin (de compléter) complétions forme conjuguée du verbe compléter ⇒COMPLÉTION, subst. fém. A.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Test cricket — A Test match between South Africa and England in January 2005. The men wearing black trousers on the far right are the umpires. Test cricket is played in traditional white clothes and with a red ball. Test cricket is the longest form of the sport … Wikipedia
test — I n. examination, set of questions 1) to administer, conduct, give a test 2) to draw up, make up, set (BE) a test 3) to take a test 4) to fail; pass a test 5) a demanding, difficult; easy test 6) an achievement; aptitude; intelligence; loyalty… … Combinatory dictionary