
com·par·a·tor kəm-'par-ət-ər n
1) an apparatus used for determining concentration of dissolved substances (as hydrogen ions) in solution by color comparison with known standards
2) an instrument, device, or set of charts (as for use in chemical analysis and medical diagnosis) for the determination and specification of colors by direct comparison with a standardized system of colors

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com·par·a·tor (kəm-parґə-tər) a simple colorimeter consisting of a block of wood with holes in which to place the test tubes to be compared, and transverse holes through which to view the colors; called also comparator block.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • comparator — COMPARATÓR, comparatoare, s.n. Instrument de măsură format dintr un şurub micrometric şi două microscoape, care serveşte la măsurarea distanţei dintre două puncte sau dintre două repere. – Din fr. comparateur. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Comparator — Com pa*ra tor (? or ?), n. [L., a comparer.] (Physics) An instrument or machine for comparing anything to be measured with a standard measure; applied especially to a machine for comparing standards of length. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Comparator — (Meßk.), so v. w. Comparateur 2) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • comparator — UK US /kəmˈpærətər/ noun [C] ► an organization, activity, etc. that is used to judge the performance of another similar organization or activity: »The comparators for Infobank are Ariba and Commerce One all three provide online software …   Financial and business terms

  • comparator — 1883, agent noun in Latin form from COMPARE (Cf. compare) …   Etymology dictionary

  • comparator — ► NOUN 1) a device for comparing something measurable with a reference or standard. 2) something used as a standard for comparison …   English terms dictionary

  • comparator — [käm′pə rāt΄ər, kəm par′ət ər] n. any of various instruments, esp. in electronics, for comparing some measurement, as of length, brightness, or voltage, with a fixed standard …   English World dictionary

  • Comparator — For other uses, see Comparator (disambiguation). In electronics, a comparator is a device that compares two voltages or currents and switches its output to indicate which is larger. They are commonly used in devices such as Analog to digital… …   Wikipedia

  • comparator — /keuhm par euh teuhr, kom peuh ray /, n. 1. any of various instruments for making comparisons, as of lengths or distances, tints of colors, etc. 2. Electronics. a circuit for comparing two signals, as readings of duplicate information stored in a …   Universalium

  • comparator — komparatorius statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. comparator vok. Komparator, m; Vergleicher, m; Vergleichsvorrichtung, f rus. компаратор, m pranc. comparateur, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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