common iliac artery
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Common iliac artery — Artery: Common iliac artery Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for arteries and inguinal canal … Wikipedia
common iliac artery — noun terminal branches of the abdominal aorta (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑iliac artery, ↑arteria iliaca * * * noun see iliac artery * * * Anat. See iliac artery (def. 1) … Useful english dictionary
common iliac artery — Anat. See iliac artery (def. 1). * * * … Universalium
iliac artery — n 1) either of the large arteries supplying blood to the lower trunk and hind limbs and arising by bifurcation of the aorta which in humans occurs at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra to form one vessel for each side of the body called also … Medical dictionary
iliac artery — noun one of the large arteries supplying blood to the pelvis and legs • Syn: ↑arteria iliaca • Hypernyms: ↑artery, ↑arteria, ↑arterial blood vessel • Hyponyms: ↑common iliac artery, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Iliac artery — In human anatomy, iliac artery refers to several anatomical structures located in the pelvis:*Common iliac artery forms at terminus of the aorta. *External iliac artery forms when the common iliac artery bifurcates, continues as the femoral… … Wikipedia
Common iliac lymph nodes — Lymph: Common iliac lymph nodes Common Iliac Lymph Nodes 1. Medial common iliac 2. Intermediate common iliac 3. Lateral common iliac 4. Subaortic common iliac 5. Common iliac nodes of promontory External Iliac Lymph Nodes 6. M … Wikipedia
iliac artery — Anat. 1. Also called common iliac artery. either of two large arteries that conduct blood to the pelvis and the legs. 2. Also called external iliac artery. the outer branch of an iliac artery that becomes the femoral artery. 3. Also called… … Universalium
Common hepatic artery — Not to be confused with Hepatic artery proper. Artery: Common hepatic artery Branches of the celiac artery stomach in situ. (Hepatic artery is visible at upper left.) … Wikipedia
Internal iliac artery — Infobox Artery Name = Internal iliac Latin = arteria iliaca interna GraySubject = 155 GrayPage = 614 Caption = Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for arteries and inguinal canal. Caption2 = BranchFrom = Common iliac artery BranchTo =… … Wikipedia