circular sinus — noun : a circular venous channel at the base of the brain formed by the intercavernous sinuses … Useful english dictionary
Circular folds — Interior of the descending portion of the duodenum, showing the Major duodenal papilla. Latin plicae circulares Gray s … Wikipedia
sinus terminalis — sinus ter·mi·na·lis .tər mi nā ləs n a circular blood sinus bordering the area vasculosa of the vertebrate embryo … Medical dictionary
sinus venosus sclerae — sinus venosus scle·rae sklē rē n CANAL OF SCHLEMM * * * [TA] venous sinus of sclera: a circular channel at the junction of the sclera and cornea, which is the main pathway for elimination of aqueous humor from the eye. Called also Schlemm canal … Medical dictionary
sinus — 1. [TA] A channel for the passage of blood or lymph, without the coats of an ordinary vessel; e.g., blood passages in the gravid uterus or those in the cerebral meninges. 2. [TA] A cavity or … Medical dictionary
sinus venosus sclerae — noun a circular canal in the eye that drains aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye into the anterior ciliary veins • Syn: ↑canal of Schlemm, ↑Schlemm s canal • Hypernyms: ↑duct, ↑epithelial duct, ↑canal, ↑channel … Useful english dictionary
terminal sinus — noun : a circular blood sinus bordering the area vasculosa of the vertebrate embryo … Useful english dictionary
circle — 1. [TA] In anatomy, a ring shaped structure or group of structures, as formed by anastomosing arteries or veins, or by connected (communicating) nerves, 2. A line or process with every point approximately equidistant from the center. SYN:… … Medical dictionary
Intercavernous sinuses — Infobox Vein Name = Intercavernous sinuses Latin = sini intercavernosi GraySubject = 171 GrayPage = 659 Caption = Dural veins Caption2 = The sinuses at the base of the skull. (Visible as light blue circle at center.) DrainsFrom = DrainsTo =… … Wikipedia
circulus — SYN: circle. 2. A circle formed by connecting arteries, veins, or nerves. [L. dim. of circus, circle] c. arteriosus cerebri [TA] SYN: cerebral arterial circle. c. arteriosus halleri SYN: vascular circle of optic nerve. c. arteriosus iridis major… … Medical dictionary