Ciliary ganglion — Nerve: Ciliary ganglion Detailed view of nerves of lateral orbit showing the ciliary ganglion immediately behind the globe of the eye … Wikipedia
ciliary ganglion — noun : a small autonomic ganglion on the nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve receiving preganglionic fibers from the oculomotor nerve and sending postganglionic fibers to the ciliary muscle and to the circular muscle of the iris … Useful english dictionary
ciliary ganglion — Neural crest derived ganglion acting as relay between parasympathetic neurons of the oculomotor nucleus in the midbrain and the muscles regulating the diameter of the pupil of the eye … Dictionary of molecular biology
Sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus sympathetica ganglii ciliaris GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Pathways in the Ciliary Ganglion. Green = parasympathetic; Red = sympathetic; Blue = sensory Caption2 = Innervates = BranchFrom =… … Wikipedia
Parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus parasympathica ganglii ciliaris GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Pathways in the Ciliary Ganglion. Green = parasympathetic; Red = sympathetic; Blue = sensory Caption2 = Innervates = BranchFrom =… … Wikipedia
Sensory root of ciliary ganglion — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus sensoria ganglii ciliaris GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Pathways in the Ciliary Ganglion. Green = parasympathetic; Red = sympathetic; Blue = sensory Caption2 = Innervates = BranchFrom = BranchTo =… … Wikipedia
communicating branch with ciliary ganglion — communicating branch with nasociliary nerve, communicating branch of nasociliary nerve with ciliary ganglion radix sensoria ganglii ciliaris … Medical dictionary
Ciliary muscle — The choroid and iris. (Ciliary muscle is labeled near top.) Latin musculus ciliaris Gray s … Wikipedia
Ganglion impar — Gray s subject #214 984 The pelvic portion of each sympathetic trunk is situated in front of the sacrum, medial to the anterior sacral foramina. It consists of four or five small sacral ganglia, connected together by interganglionic cords, and… … Wikipedia
ganglion ciliare — [TA] ciliary ganglion: a parasympathetic ganglion in the posterior part of the orbit; it receives preganglionic fibers from the oculomotor nerve, and its postganglionic fibers supply the ciliary muscle and the sphincter pupillae. Sensory and… … Medical dictionary