- Suture
- The word "suture" has several uses in medicine, including: {{}}Cranial suture — A type of joint between the bones of the skull where the bones are held tightly together by fibrous tissue. A surgical suture — Thread-like material used to sew tissue together. To suture — To stitch a wound closed. The word suture came with little change from the Latin sutura, "a sewn seam." In Latin, the verb suere is "to sew, stitch, or tack together."
* * *1. A form of fibrous joint in which two bones formed in membrane are united by a fibrous membrane continuous with the periosteum. SYN: sutura [TA], s. joint. 2. To unite two surfaces by sewing. SYN: stitch (3). 3. The material (silk thread, wire, synthetic material, etc.) with which two surfaces are kept in apposition. 4. The seam so formed, a surgical s.. [L. sutura, a seam]- absorbable surgical s. a surgical s. material prepared from a substance that can be dissolved by body tissues and is therefore not permanent; it is available in various diameters and tensile strengths; the rate of disappearance of strength depends on the characteristics of the s. material.- Albert s. a modified Czerny s., the first row of stitches passing through the entire thickness of the wall of the gut.- bridle s. a s. passed beneath the superior rectus muscle to rotate the globe downward in eye surgery.- button s. a s. in which the threads are passed through the holes of a button and then tied; used to reduce the danger of the threads cutting through the flesh.- cobbler's s. SYN: doubly armed s..- Connell s. a continuous s. used for inverting the gastric or intestinal walls in performing an anastomosis.- continuous s. an uninterrupted series of stitches using one s.; the stitching is fastened at each end by a knot. SYN: spiral s., uninterrupted s..- control release s. eyeless s. with thread attached to a needle such that the two separate when tension is applied to the thread.- coronal s. [TA] the line of junction of the frontal with the two parietal bones of the skull. SYN: sutura coronalis [TA].- Czerny s. the first row of the Czerny-Lembert intestinal s.; the needle enters the serosa and passes out through the submucosa or muscularis, and then enters the submucosa or muscularis of the opposite side and emerges from the serosa.- Czerny-Lembert s. an intestinal s. in two rows combining the Czerny s. (first) and the Lembert s. (second).- ethmoidolacrimal s. [TA] the line of union of the orbital plate of the ethmoid and the posterior margin of the lacrimal bone. SYN: sutura ethmoidolacrimalis [TA].- ethmoidomaxillary s. [TA] line of apposition of the orbital surface of the body of the maxilla with the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone. SYN: sutura ethmoidomaxillaris [TA].- Faden s. a s. placed between an ocular rectus muscle and the posterior sclera to limit excessive action of the eyeball. [Ger. Faden, thread, twine]- false s. one whose opposing margins are smooth or present only a few ill-defined projections. SYN: sutura notha.- far-and-near s. an interrupted s. using alternate near and far stitches, used to approximate fascial edges.- figure-of-8 s. a s. using criss-cross stitches to approximate fascial edges or the musculofascial and outer layers of an abdominal wound.- frontal s. the s. between the two halves of the frontal bone, usually obliterated by about the sixth year; if persistent it is called a metopic s. or sutura frontalis persistens. SYN: sutura frontalis.- frontoethmoidal s. [TA] line of union between the cribriform plate of the ethmoid and the orbital plate and posterior margin of the nasal process of the frontal bone. SYN: sutura frontoethmoidalis [TA].- frontolacrimal s. [TA] line of union between the upper margin of the lacrimal and the orbital plate of the frontal bone. SYN: sutura frontolacrimalis [TA].- frontomaxillary s. [TA] articulation of the frontal process of the maxilla with the frontal bone. SYN: sutura frontomaxillaris [TA].- frontonasal s. [TA] line of union of the frontal and of the two nasal bones. SYN: sutura frontonasalis [TA], sutura nasofrontalis.- frontozygomatic s. [TA] line of union between the zygomatic process of the frontal and the frontal process of the zygomatic bone. SYN: sutura frontozygomatica [TA], sutura zygomaticofrontalis.- Gould s. an intestinal mattress s. in which each loop is invaginated in such a way that the tissue at the loop is bulged out, becoming convex instead of concave.- Gussenbauer s. a figure-of-8 s. for the intestine, resembling the Czerny-Lembert s. but not including the mucous membrane.- implanted s. passage of a pin through each lip of the wound parallel to the line of incision, the pins then being looped together with sutures.- incisive s. [TA] line of union of the two portions of the maxilla (pre- and postmaxilla); it is present at birth but may persist into old age. SYN: sutura incisiva [TA], premaxillary s..- infraorbital s. [TA] an inconstant s. running from the infraorbital foramen to the infraorbital groove. SYN: sutura infraorbitalis [TA].- Jobert de Lamballe s. an interrupted intestinal s., used for invaginating the margins of the intestines in circular enterorrhaphy.- lacrimoconchal s. [TA] line of union of the lacrimal bone with the inferior nasal concha. SYN: sutura lacrimoconchalis [TA].- lacrimomaxillary s. [TA] line of union, on the medial wall of the orbit, between the anterior and inferior margin of the lacrimal bone and the maxilla. SYN: sutura lacrimomaxillaris [TA].- lambdoid s. [TA] the inverted λ-shaped line of union between the occipital and the parietal bones. SYN: sutura lambdoidea [TA].- Lembert s. the second row of the Czerny-Lembert intestinal s.; an inverting s. for intestinal surgery, used either as a continuous s. or interrupted s., producing serosal apposition and including the collagenous submucosal layer but not entering the lumen of the intestine.- locking s. a running s. in which the s. material is made to pass through the loop made from the previous stitch. SYN: lock stitch.- mattress s. a s. utilizing a double stitch that forms a loop about the tissue on both sides of a wound, producing eversion of the edges when tied. SYN: quilted s..- median palatine s. [TA] line of union between the horizontal plates of the palatine bones, continuing the intermaxillary s. posteriorly. SYN: sutura palatina mediana [TA].- metopic s. [TA] a persistent frontal s., sometimes discernible a short distance above sutura frontonasalis. SEE ALSO: frontal s.. SYN: sutura metopica [TA], persistent frontal s., sutura frontalis persistens.- nasomaxillary s. [TA] line of union of the lateral margin of the nasal bone with the frontal process of the maxilla. SYN: sutura nasomaxillaris [TA].- neurocentral s. SYN: neurocentral synchondrosis.- nonabsorbable surgical s. surgical s. material that is relatively unaffected by the biologic activities of the body tissues and is therefore permanent unless removed; e.g., stainless steel, silk, cotton, nylon, and other synthetic materials.- occipitomastoid s. [TA] continuation of the lambdoid s. between the posterior border of the petrous portion of the temporal bone and the occipital. SYN: sutura occipitomastoidea [TA].- palatoethmoidal s. [TA] line of junction of the orbital process of the palatine bone and the orbital plate of the ethmoid. SYN: sutura palatoethmoidalis [TA].- palatomaxillary s. [TA] line of union, in the floor of the orbit, between the orbital process of the palatine bone and the orbital surface of the maxilla. SYN: sutura palatomaxillaris [TA].- Paré s. the approximation of the edges of a wound by pasting strips of cloth to the surface and stitching them instead of the skin.- parietomastoid s. [TA] articulation of the posterior inferior angle of the parietal with the mastoid process of the temporal bone. SYN: sutura parietomastoidea [TA].- petrosquamous s. petrosquamous fissure.- plane s. [TA] a simple firm apposition of two smooth surfaces of bones, without overlap, as seen in the lacrimomaxillary s.. SYN: sutura plana [TA], harmonia, harmonic s..- pledgetted s. a s. supported by a small piece of fabric or tissue so that the s. will not tear through the tissue.- purse-string s. a continuous s. placed in a circular manner either for inversion (as for an appendiceal stump) or closure (as for a hernia).- quilted s. SYN: mattress s..- relaxation s. a s. so arranged that it may be loosened if the tension of the wound becomes excessive.- retention s. a heavy reinforcing s. placed deep within the muscles and fasciae of the abdominal wall to relieve tension on the primary s. line. SYN: tension s..- sagittal s. [TA] midline union between the two parietal bones. SYN: sutura sagittalis [TA], interparietal s., sutura interparietalis.- serrate s. [TA] one whose opposing margins present deep sawlike indentations, as most of the sagittal s.. SYN: sutura serrata [TA], dentate s..- shotted s. a s. in which the ends are fastened by passing through a split shot (a partially divided lead pellet) which is then compressed.- sphenoethmoidal s. [TA] line of union between the crest of the sphenoid bone and the perpendicular and cribriform plates of the ethmoid. SYN: sutura sphenoethmoidalis [TA].- sphenofrontal s. [TA] line of union between the orbital plate of the frontal and the lesser wings of the sphenoid on either side. SYN: sutura sphenofrontalis [TA].- sphenomaxillary s. [TA] an inconstant s. between the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and the body of the maxilla. SYN: sutura sphenomaxillaris [TA].- spheno- orbital s. articulation between the orbital process of the palatine bone and the outer surface of the body of the sphenoid. SYN: sutura spheno- orbitalis.- sphenoparietal s. [TA] line of union of the lower border of the parietal with the upper edge of the greater wing of the sphenoid. SYN: sutura sphenoparietalis [TA].- sphenosquamous s. [TA] articulation of the greater wing of the sphenoid with the squamous portion of the temporal bone. SYN: sutura sphenosquamosa [TA].- sphenovomerine s. [TA] the line of union of the vaginal process of the sphenoid with the wing of the vomer. SYN: sutura sphenovomeriana [TA].- sphenozygomatic s. [TA] junction of the zygomatic bone and greater wing of the sphenoid. SYN: sutura sphenozygomatica [TA].- squamomastoid s. [TA] line of union of the squamous and petrous portions of the temporal bone during development; it sometimes persists in the region of the mastoid process. SYN: sutura squamosomastoidea [TA].- squamoparietal s. the articulation of the parietal with the squamous portion of the temporal bone. SYN: sutura squamoparietalis (2).- squamous s. [TA] a scalelike s., one whose opposing margins are scalelike and overlapping; SYN: sutura squamoparietalis (1).- temporozygomatic s. line of junction of the zygomatic process of the temporal and the temporal process of the zygomatic bone. SYN: sutura temporozygomatica [TA], sutura zygomaticotemporalis, zygomaticotemporal s..- transfixion s. 1. a criss-cross stitch so placed as to control bleeding from a tissue surface or small vessel when tied; 2. a s. used to fix the columella to the nasal septum.- transverse palatine s. [TA] line of union of the palatine processes of the maxillae with the horizontal plates of the palatine bones. SYN: sutura palatina transversa [TA].- uninterrupted s. SYN: continuous s..- zygomaticomaxillary s. [TA] articulation of the zygomatic bone with the zygomatic process of the maxilla. SYN: sutura zygomaticomaxillaris [TA].
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1 a) a stitch made with a sutureb) a strand or fiber used to sew parts of the living bodyc) the act or process of sewing with sutures2 a) the line of union in an immovable articulation (as between the bones of the skull) also such an articulationb) a furrow at the junction of adjacent bodily partssuture vt, su·tured; su·tur·ing 'süch-(ə-)riŋ to unite, close, or secure with sutures <\suture a wound>* * *
1. n. (in anatomy) a type of immovable joint, found particularly in the skull, that is characterized by a minimal amount of connective tissue between the two bones. The cranial sutures include the coronal suture, between the frontal and parietal bones; the lambdoidal suture, between the parietal and occipital bones; and the <, between the two parietal bones. 2. n. (in surgery) the closure of a wound or incision with material such as silk or catgut, to facilitate the healing process. There is a wide variety of suturing techniques developed to meet the differing circumstances of injuries to and incisions in the body tissues.3. n. the material - silk, catgut, nylon, any of various polymers, or wire - used to sew up a wound.4. vb. to close a wound by suture.* * *
su·ture (sooґchər) [L. sutura a seam] 1. sutura. 2. one loop of thread or similar material used to secure apposition of the edges of a surgical or accidental wound; called also stitch. 3. the material used in thus closing a wound; see absorbable s. and nonabsorbable s. 4. to unite the edges of a wound using loops of thread or other material; called also stitch.PLATE 41 VARIOUS TYPES OF SUTURES
For descriptions of specific anatomic structures not listed here, see under sutura.
Medical dictionary. 2011.