- cantharidism
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can·thar·i·dism (kan-tharґĭ-diz-əm) 1. a toxic reaction to the misuse of cantharides. 2. cantharidin poisoning.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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can·thar·i·dism (kan-tharґĭ-diz-əm) 1. a toxic reaction to the misuse of cantharides. 2. cantharidin poisoning.Medical dictionary. 2011.
cantharidism — noun poisoning due to the excess use of cantharides … Wiktionary
cantharidism — can·thar·i·dism … English syllables
cantharidism — ˌdizəm noun ( s) Etymology: cantharides + ism : poisoning due to misuse of cantharides … Useful english dictionary
cantaridism — CANTARIDÍSM s.n. (med.) Intoxicaţie cu cantaridină. – Din engl. cantharidism. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 cantaridísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic CANTARIDÍSM s.n. (med … Dicționar Român
cantharidin poisoning — poisoning of horses or ruminants by hay contaminated with blister beetles whose bodies contain cantharidin; signs include hyperemia or erosions of the oral and esophageal mucosa, frequent urination, and sometimes shock and death. Called also… … Medical dictionary
κανθαριδισμός — ο ιατρ. οξεία δηλητηρίαση από λήψη υπερβολικής δόσεως κανθαριδίνης. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Αντιδάνεια λ., πρβλ. αγγλ. cantharidism < cantharid (πρβλ. κανθαρίς, ίδ ος) + ism (πρβλ. ισμός)] … Dictionary of Greek
cantharides — pl. n. pl. medical preparation of dried Spanish flies, formerly used as a diuretic or aphrodisiac. ♦ cantharidal, a. ♦ cantharidate, v.t. treat with this. ♦ cantharidean, ♦ cantharidian, a. made of this. ♦ cantharidism, n.… … Dictionary of difficult words