- Calliphoridae
- Cal·li·phor·i·dae .kal-ə-'fȯr-ə-.dē n pl a family of large usu. hairy metallic blue or green flies comprising the blowflies (as a bluebottle) and a few related forms with parasitic larvaecal·liph·o·rid kə-'lif-ə-rəd adj or n
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Cal·li·phor·i·dae (kal″ĭ-forґĭ-de) a family of medium-sized to large flies of the order Diptera, including the genera Auchmeromyia, Booponus, Calliphora (type genus), Cordylobia, Cochliomyia, Chrysomyia, Lucilia, Phaenicia, and Phormia; all species may serve as vectors of pathogens and may also produce myiasis in humans; several are causes of cutaneous myiasis in domestic animals.
Medical dictionary. 2011.