Brudzinski sign

Brudzinski sign
Brud·zin·ski sign brü-'jin-skē-, brüd-'zin- or Brud·zin·ski's sign -skē(z)- n any of several symptoms of meningeal irritation occurring esp. in meningitis: as
a) flexion of the lower limbs induced by passive flexion of the head on the chest
b) flexion of one lower limb following passive flexion of the other
Brudzinski Josef (1874-1917)
Polish physician. Brudzinski described in 1908 a sign of meningitis in which the passive flexion of one lower limb results in a contralateral reflex in the other. In 1909 he described another sign of meningitis: a bending of the neck results in flexure movements of the ankle, knee, and hip.

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a sign present when there is irritation of the meninges (the membranes covering the brain); it is present in meningitis. As the neck is pulled forward, the hips and knees bend involuntarily.
J. von Brudzinski (1874-1917), Polish physician

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1. in meningitis, flexion of the neck usually results in flexion of the hip and knee; called also neck s. 2. in meningitis, when passive flexion of the lower limb on one side is made, a similar movement will be seen in the opposite limb; called also contralateral s.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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