Bromelain — can refer to one of two protease enzymes extracted from the plant family Bromeliaceae, or it can refer to a combination of those enzymes along with other compounds produced in an extract.ComponentsBromelain is a mixture of sulfur containing… … Wikipedia
Bromelain — Stamm Bromelain Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 212 Aminosäuren … Deutsch Wikipedia
bromelain — also bromelin noun Etymology: bromelain by alteration of bromelin, from New Latin Bromelia Date: 1894 a protease obtained especially from the pineapple … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bromelain — Bro|me|la|in [nlat. Bromelia ananas = Ananas (Bot.); in(3)]; das; s, e: Peptidketten spaltende Proteinase, die in Pharmazie, Leder , Textilindustrie u. als Fleischzartmacher Verwendung findet. * * * Bromelain das, s, Bromelin, aus Früchten,… … Universal-Lexikon
bromelain — Thiol protease (EC from pineapple … Dictionary of molecular biology
bromelain — /broh meuh leuhn, layn /, n. Biochem. an enzyme, found in pineapple, that breaks down protein and is used as a meat tenderizer. Cf. papain. [1890 95; appar. bromel(in) an earlier name for the enzyme (Bromel(ia) a genus that formerly included the… … Universalium
bromelain — noun Either of two proteolytic enzymes, found in pineapples, that are used as meat tenderizers … Wiktionary
bromelain — bro·me·lain … English syllables
bromelain — An enzyme found in pineapples that breaks down other proteins, such as collagen and muscle fiber, and has anti inflammatory properties. It is used as a meat tenderizer in the food industry … English dictionary of cancer terms
bromelain — … Useful english dictionary