bird louse

bird louse
bird louse n BITING LOUSE

* * *

1. biting l. 2. a biting louse of birds.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Bird louse — refers to any chewing louse (paraphyletic suborder Mallophaga) which parasitizes birds. Recent reclassification has found that bird lice belong to two suborders, Amblycera and Ischnocera, although some members of these suborders do not parasitize …   Wikipedia

  • bird louse — n. any of an order (Mallophaga) of small, wingless insects with biting mouthparts, that live as external parasites on birds * * * ▪ insect       any of two groups of chewing lice (order Phthiraptera) that live on birds and feed on feathers, skin …   Universalium

  • Bird louse — Bird Bird (b[ e]rd), n. [OE. brid, bred, bird, young bird, bird, AS. bridd young bird. [root]92.] 1. Orig., a chicken; the young of a fowl; a young eaglet; a nestling; and hence, a feathered flying animal (see 2). [1913 Webster] That ungentle… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bird-louse — birdˈ louse noun (pl birdˈ lice) A louse like insect of the order Mallophaga, parasitical on birds and mammals • • • Main Entry: ↑bird …   Useful english dictionary

  • bird|louse — bird|louse, = biting louse. (Cf. ↑biting louse) …   Useful english dictionary

  • bird louse — n. any of an order (Mallophaga) of small, wingless insects with biting mouthparts, that live as external parasites on birds …   English World dictionary

  • bird louse — noun wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds • Syn: ↑biting louse, ↑louse • Derivationally related forms: ↑lousy (for: ↑louse) • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • bird louse — noun Date: 1826 biting louse …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bird louse. — See under louse (def. 2). [1820 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • bird louse. — See under louse (def. 2). [1820 30] …   Useful english dictionary

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