Benedict's test

Benedict's test
Ben·e·dict's test -.dik(t)s- n a test for the presence of a reducing sugar (as in urine) by heating the solution to be tested with Benedict's solution which yields a red, yellow, or orange precipitate upon warming with a reducing sugar (as glucose or maltose)

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a test for the presence of sugar in urine or other liquids. A few drops of the test solution are added to Benedict's solution, prepared from sodium or potassium citrate, sodium carbonate, and copper sulphate. The mixture is boiled and shaken for about two minutes, then left to cool. The presence of up to 2% glucose is indicated by the formation of a reddish, yellowish, or greenish precipitate, the highest levels corresponding to the red coloration, the lowest (about 0.05%) to the green.
S. R. Benedict (1884-1936), US surgeon

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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