Bender Gestalt test

Bender Gestalt test
Ben·der Gestalt test .ben-dər- n a drawing test in which the subject copies geometric figures and which is used esp. to assess organic brain damage and degree of maturation of the nervous system
Bender Lauretta (1897-1987)
American psychiatrist. In 1935 Bender published Visual Motor Gestalt and Its Clinical Use. She developed the psychological test that is associated with her name. Much of her career was devoted to child neurology, psychiatry, and psychology.

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Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt test a psychological test used for evaluating perceptual-motor coordination, for assessing personality dynamics, as a test of organic brain impairment, and for measuring neurological maturation. The subject is asked to make free-hand copies of nine simple geometric designs presented separately on cards or sometimes to reproduce the design from memory.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Bender — Lauretta, U.S. psychiatrist, 1897–1987. See B. gestalt test, B. Visual Motor Gestalt test …   Medical dictionary

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