back pressure-arm lift method
- back pressure-arm lift method
back pressure-arm lift method n artificial respiration in which the operator kneels at the head of the prone victim,
compresses the chest manually by pressure on the back,
and then pulls up the elbows thereby expanding the lungs called also Holger Nielsen method
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back pressure-arm lift method — noun : artificial respiration in which the operator kneels at the head of the victim, compresses the chest manually, then pulls up the elbows thereby expanding the lungs and repeats this sequence in a regular rhythm as long as considered… … Useful english dictionary
Holger Nielsen method — Hol·ger Niel·sen method hōl gər nēl sən n BACK PRESSURE ARM LIFT METHOD Nielsen Holger (1866 1955) Danish army officer. Nielsen was a lieutenant colonel in the Danish army. He originated the back pressure arm lift method of artificial respiration … Medical dictionary
Nielsen method — Niel·sen method nēl sən n BACK PRESSURE ARM LIFT METHOD H. Nielsen see HOLGER NIELSEN METHOD * * * Holger Nielsen m … Medical dictionary
holger nielsen method — ˈhōlgə(r)ˈnēlsən noun Usage: usually capitalized H&N Etymology: after Holger Nielsen died 1955 Dan. army officer who originated it : back pressure arm lift method … Useful english dictionary
nielsen method — ˈnēlsən noun Usage: usually capitalized N Etymology: after Holger Nielsen died 1955 Dan. army officer who originated it : back pressure arm lift method … Useful english dictionary
History of CPR — Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an important life saving first aid skill, practised throughout the world. It is the only known effective method of keeping someone who has suffered cardiac arrest alive long enough for definitive treatment to be… … Wikipedia
artificial respiration — n the process of restoring or initiating breathing by forcing air into and out of the lungs to establish the rhythm of inspiration and expiration see BACK PRESSURE ARM LIFT METHOD, MOUTH TO MOUTH * * * an emergency procedure for maintaining a… … Medical dictionary
Steam locomotive — A steam locomotive is a locomotive powered by steam. The term usually refers to its use on railways, but can also refer to a road locomotive such as a traction engine or steamroller.Steam locomotives dominated rail traction from the mid 19th… … Wikipedia
Booby trap — A booby trap is a device set up to be triggered by an unsuspecting victim. As the word trap implies, they usually have some form of bait designed to lure the victim towards it. In other cases, however, the trap is set to be triggered when the… … Wikipedia
Hydraulic hooklift hoist — PRESSURE FLOW Hydraulic Oil Pressure = Capacity All hooklift hoists are preset, at the factory, to achieve intended lifting capacity. Turning up the system s pressure will increase lifting capacity, but adjusting or tampering with hoist s… … Wikipedia