- apron
1) a garment usu. of cloth or plastic usu. tied around the waist and used esp. to protect clothing
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
apron — ● apron nom masculin (du latin asper, âpre) Petit poisson des bassins du Rhône, du Rhin et du Danube, voisin de la perche. ⇒APRON, subst. masc. ICHTYOL. (région.). Poisson comestible voisin de la perche. Apron cingle (Lar. 19e); apron commun (H.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Apron — du Rhône Apron du Rhône … Wikipédia en Français
apron — ► NOUN 1) a protective garment covering the front of one s clothes and tied at the back. 2) an area on an airfield used for manoeuvring or parking aircraft. 3) (also apron stage) a strip of stage projecting in front of the curtain. 4) an endless… … English terms dictionary
apron — [ā′prən] n. [by faulty separation of a napron < ME napron < OFr naperon < nape, a cloth < L mappa, napkin] 1. a garment of cloth, leather, etc. worn over the front part of the body, usually to protect one s clothes 2. anything like an … English World dictionary
Apron — A pron ([=a] p[u^]rn or [=a] pr[u^]n; 277), n. [OE. napron, OF. naperon, F. napperon, dim. of OF. nape, F. nappe, cloth, tablecloth, LL. napa, fr. L. mappa, napkin, table napkin. See {Map}.] 1. An article of dress, of cloth, leather, or other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apron — (n.) mid 15c., faulty separation (Cf. ADDER (Cf. adder), UMPIRE (Cf. umpire)) of a napron (c.1300), from O.Fr. naperon small table cloth, dim. of nappe cloth, from L. mappa napkin. Napron was still in use as recently as late 16c. The shift of… … Etymology dictionary
Apron — bezeichnet: ein Tourneetheater aus Halle, siehe Theater Apron einen Teil des Flugplatzes, siehe Vorfeld (Flughafen) in der Schweiz die Fischart Rhone Streber Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung m … Deutsch Wikipedia
apron — Apron, voyez Aspron … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Apron — This article is about the garment. For other uses, see Apron (disambiguation). A full length apron An apron is an outer protective garment that covers primarily the front of the body. It may be worn for hygienic reasons as well as in order to… … Wikipedia
apron — apronlike, adj. /ay preuhn/, n. 1. a garment covering part of the front of the body and tied at the waist, for protecting the wearer s clothing: a kitchen apron. 2. Anglican Ch. a similar garment extending to the knees, worn by bishops, deans,… … Universalium