
an·ti·co·ag·u·lat·ive -'ag-yə-.lāt-iv adj ANTICOAGULANT <\anticoagulative activity>

* * *

an·ti·co·ag·u·la·tive (an″te-ko-agґu-lə-tiv) anticoagulant (def. 1).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • anticoagulant — /an tee koh ag yeuh leuhnt, an tuy /, Biochem., Pharm. adj. 1. Also, anticoagulative /an tee koh ag yeuh lay tiv, leuh tiv, an tuy /. preventing coagulation, esp. of blood. n. 2. an anticoagulant agent, as heparin. [1900 05; ANTI + COAGULANT] * * …   Universalium

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