anterior jugular vein
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Anterior jugular vein — Infobox Vein Name = Anterior jugular vein Latin = vena jugularis anterior GraySubject = 168 GrayPage = 647 Caption = The veins of the neck, viewed from in front. (Anterior jugular visible at center.) Caption2 = Veins of the head and neck.… … Wikipedia
anterior jugular vein — noun arises below the chin from veins draining the lower face; joins the external jugular vein • Hypernyms: ↑jugular vein, ↑vena jugularis, ↑jugular * * * noun see jugular vein … Useful english dictionary
Jugular vein — The jugular veins are in the neck and drain blood from the head, brain, face and neck and convey it toward the heart. The external jugular vein collects most of the blood from the outside of the skull and the deep parts of the face. It lies… … Medical dictionary
Jugular vein — Infobox Vein Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = 168 GrayPage = 646 Caption = The veins of the neck, viewed from in front. DrainsFrom = DrainsTo = superior vena cava Artery = MeshName = Jugular+Veins MeshNumber = A07.231.908.498 The jugular… … Wikipedia
jugular vein — noun veins in the neck that return blood from the head • Syn: ↑vena jugularis, ↑jugular • Derivationally related forms: ↑jugular • Hypernyms: ↑vein, ↑vena, ↑venous blood vessel … Useful english dictionary
anterior facial vein — noun a continuation of the angular vein; unites with the retromandibular vein before emptying into the internal jugular vein • Syn: ↑vena facialis anterior • Hypernyms: ↑facial vein, ↑vena facialis … Useful english dictionary
jugular vein — n. either of two large veins in the neck carrying blood back from the head to the heart * * * ▪ anatomy any of several veins of the neck: (1) the external jugular veins, which receive blood from the neck, the outside of the cranium, and the … Universalium
External jugular vein — Infobox Vein Name = External jugular vein Latin = vena jugularis externa GraySubject = 168 GrayPage = 646 Caption = Veins of the head and neck. (External jugular visible at center.) Caption2 = Veins DrainsFrom = cranium, face Source = posterior… … Wikipedia
jugular vein — any one of several veins in the neck. The internal jugular is a very large paired vein running vertically down the side of the neck and draining blood from the brain, face, and neck. It ends behind the sternoclavicular joint, where it joins the… … The new mediacal dictionary
Internal jugular vein — Infobox Vein Name = Internal jugular vein Latin = vena jugularis interna GraySubject = 168 GrayPage = 648 Caption = The fascia and middle thyroid veins. (Internal jugular visible at center left.) Caption2 = Veins of the tongue. The hypoglossal… … Wikipedia