
anem·o·ne ə-'nem-ə- n
1) cap a genus of herbs of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) widely distributed in temperate and subarctic regions that have lobed or divided leaves and showy flowers and that include some (as a pasqueflower) used medicinally esp. formerly
2) a plant or flower of the genus Anemone

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Anem·o·ne (ə-nemґo-ne) a large genus of plants of the family Ranunculaceae with divided leaves and conspicuous flowers of sepals. Most species contain ranunculin, which converts enzymatically to protoanemonin, an irritant toxin that can cause the poisoning called anemonism. A. pulsatilґla and certain other species contain anemonin rather than its precursors, and have been used medicinally.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Anemone — Anémone Pour les articles homonymes, voir Anémone (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Anemone — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Anemone Anemone ranunculoides en flor …   Wikipedia Español

  • anémone — [ anemɔn ] n. f. • 1544; anemoine XIVe; mot lat., gr. anemônê 1 ♦ Plante herbacée (renonculacées), à fleurs sans corolle, de couleurs vives (environ 70 espèces). Anémone des jardins, des fleuristes. Anémone des bois ou anémone sylvie. Fleur de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Anémone — (* 9. August 1950 in Paris; eigentlich Anne Aymone Bourguignon; manchmal auch Anemone und Anne Bourguignon) ist eine französische Schauspielerin. Inhalts …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Anemone — Anemone. Als Kennzeichen dieser von Linné in die 13. Klasse geordneten Pflanzengattung sind zu bemerken: ein fehlender Kelch, 6 bis 9 in 2 oder 3 Reihen stehende Blätter an der Blumenkrone, und viele haarförmige Staubfäden, welche in den Boden… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Anemone — Sf Buschwindröschen erw. fach. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. anemōnē, dieses aus gr. anemṓnē. Wegen der lautlichen Ähnlichkeit zu gr. ánemos m. Wind stellen es bereits antike Autoren zu diesem und versuchen, den Bedeutungsunterschied zu… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • anemone — /a nɛmone/ s.m. o f. [dal lat. anemōne, gr. anemṓnē, tutti e due femm. e con il sign. 1]. 1. (bot.) [nome di varie specie di piante erbacee appartenenti al genere Anemone ] ● Espressioni: anemone dei boschi ▶◀ silvia. 2. (zool.) [specie di… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • anemone — (n.) flowering plant genus, 1550s, from M.Fr. anemone (16c.) and directly from L. anemone, from Gk. anemone wind flower, lit. daughter of the wind, from anemos wind (cognate with L. anima; see ANIMUS (Cf. animus)) + one feminine patronymic suffix …   Etymology dictionary

  • Anemone — A*nem o*ne, n. [L. anemone, Gr. ?, fr. ? wind.] 1. (Bot.) A genus of plants of the {Ranunculus} or Crowfoot family; windflower. Some of the species are cultivated in gardens. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) The sea anemone. See {Actinia}, and {Sea… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anemone — [ə nem′ə nē΄] n. [L < Gr anemōnē, altered, after anemos, wind < ?] 1. Bot. any of a number of related plants of a genus ( Anemone) of the buttercup family, with cup shaped flowers that are usually white, pink, red, or purple 2. Zool. SEA… …   English World dictionary

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