
an·au·tog·e·nous .an--'täj-ə-nəs adj requiring a meal esp. of blood to produce eggs <\anautogenous mosquitoes>

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • anautogenous — ¦anˌ adjective Etymology: an + autogenous (herein) : requiring a meal especially of blood to produce eggs anautogenous mosquitoes …   Useful english dictionary

  • Anautogenous insect — Anautogenous insects are a group of insect where a gravid female has to feed before oviposition (egg laying), in order for the eggs to mature.This is particularly important in insects that are considered vectors (e.g. mosquitos), as without the… …   Wikipedia

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  • anautogeny — noun The condition, found in many insects, where a gravid female has to feed before oviposition (egg laying), in order for the eggs to mature. This is particularly important in insects that are considered vectors (e.g. mosquitos), as without the… …   Wiktionary

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