amyotonia congenita

amyotonia congenita
amyotonia con·gen·i·ta -kən-'jen-ət-ə n a congenital disease of infants characterized by flaccidity of the skeletal muscles resulting in an inability to move freely or maintain upright posture

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a former diagnosis for various conditions, present at birth, in which the baby's muscles are weak and floppy (i.e. hypotonic). The term is becoming obsolete as more specific diagnoses are discovered to explain the cause of floppiness in babies.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • amyotonia congenita — kənˈjenəd.ə noun Etymology: New Latin, congenital amyotonia : a congenital disease of infants characterized by flaccidity of the skeletal muscles resulting in an inability to move freely or maintain upright posture …   Useful english dictionary

  • amyotonia congenita — floppy baby syndrome a former diagnosis for various conditions, present at birth, in which the baby s muscles are weak and floppy (i.e. hypotonic). The term is becoming obsolete as more specific diagnoses are discovered to explain the cause of… …   The new mediacal dictionary


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