African horse sickness

African horse sickness
Af·ri·can horse sickness .af-ri-kən- n a serious and commonly fatal disease of horses and sometimes other mammals including rarely humans that is caused by a reovirus of the genus Orbivirus (serotypes of species African horse sickness virus), that is endemic in parts of central and southern Africa, that is characterized by fever, edematous swellings, and internal hemorrhage, and that is transmitted by biting flies of the genus Culicoides called also horsesickness

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an infectious disease of horses and mules caused by orbivirus; it is endemic in most of sub-Saharan Africa but has also been found in Europe and the Middle East. Four types are distinguished: the respiratory type (fever, dyspnea, copious fluid discharge, and usually a fatal inhalation pneumonia), the cardiac type (edema of the head with widespread petechiae, often but not always fatal), the mixed cardiac and respiratory type, and a mild type called horse sickness fever. Called also pestis equorum and equine plague.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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