An acronym that stands for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, a nuclear medicine procedure in which a gamma camera rotates around the patient and takes pictures from many angles, which a computer then uses to form a tomographic (cross-sectional) image. The calculation process in SPECT is similar to that in CT (X-ray computed tomography) and in PET (positron emission computed tomography).
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Abbreviation for single photon emission computed tomography.
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single photon emission computed tomography

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SPECT abbr single photon emission computed tomography

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single-photon emission computed tomography.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • SPECT scan — Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, a nuclear medicine procedure in which a gamma camera rotates around the patient and takes pictures from many angles, which a computer then uses to form a tomographic (cross sectional) image. The… …   Medical dictionary

  • SPECT scanning — (in nuclear medicine) a cross sectional imaging technique for observing an organ or part of the body using a gamma camera; images are produced after injecting a radioactive tracer. The camera is rotated around the patient being scanned. Using a… …   Medical dictionary

  • SPECT scanning — single photon emission computing tomography (in nuclear medicine) a cross sectional imaging technique for observing an organ or part of the body using a gamma camera; images are produced after injecting a radioactive tracer. The camera is rotated …   The new mediacal dictionary

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