
A pouch of skin which contains the testes, epididymides, and lower portions of the spermatic cords.
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A musculocutaneous sac containing the testes; it is formed of skin, containing a network of nonstriated muscular fibers (the dartos or dartus fascia), which also forms the scrotal septum internally. SYN: marsupium (1). [L.]
- lymph s. SYN: elephantiasis scroti.
- watering-can s. urinary fistulas in s. and perineum, resulting from disease of the perineal urethra. SEE ALSO: watering-can perineum.

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scro·tum 'skrōt-əm n, pl scro·ta or scrotums the external sac that in most mammals contains the testes

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the paired sac that holds the testes and epididymides outside the abdominal cavity. Its function is to allow the production and storage of spermatozoa to occur at a lower temperature than that of the abdomen. Further temperature control is achieved by contraction or relaxation of muscles in the scrotum.
scrotal adj.

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scro·tum (skroґtəm) [L. “bag”] [TA] the pouch that contains the testes and their accessory organs. It is composed of skin, the tunica dartos, the spermatic, cremasteric, and infundibuliform fasciae, and the tunica vaginalis testis. scrotal adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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