- Scapula
- The shoulder blade (or "wingbone"), the familiar flat triangular bone at the back of the shoulder. The word "scapula" (with the accent on the first syllable) is Latin. The Romans always employed the plural "scapulae", the shoulder blades. Because the shoulder blade resembles the blade of a trowel (a small shovel), the word "scapula" is thought to have come from the Greek "skaptein" meaning "to dig." The term "subscapular" means under (sub) the scapula. The subscapularis muscle originates beneath the scapula. This muscle moves the arm by turning it inward (internal rotation). The subscapularis muscle tendon is part of the rotator cuff.
* * *A large triangular flattened bone lying over the ribs, posteriorly on either side, articulating laterally with the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint and the humerus at the glenohumeral joint. It forms a functional articulation with the chest wall, the scapulothoracic articulation. SYN: blade bone, shoulder blade. [L. scapulae, the shoulder blade s]- s. alata SYN: winged s..- winged s. condition wherein the medial border of the s. protrudes away from the thorax; the protrusion is posterior and lateral, as the s. rotates out; most commonly caused by paralysis of the serratus anterior muscle. SYN: s. alata.
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scap·u·la 'skap-yə-lə n, pl -lae -.lē, -.lī or -las either of a pair of large essentially flat and triangular bones lying one in each dorsolateral part of the thorax, being the principal bone of the corresponding half of the pectoral girdle, divided on the posterior surface into the supraspinous and infraspinous fossae by an oblique transverse bony process or spine terminating in the acromion, having a hook-shaped bony coracoid process on the anterior surface of the superior border of the bone, providing articulation for the humerus, and articulating with the corresponding clavicle called also shoulder blade* * *
the shoulder blade: a triangular bone, a pair of which form the back part of the shoulder girdle. The spine on its dorsal (back) surface ends at the acromion process at the top of the shoulder. This process turns forward and articulates with the collar bone (clavicle) at the acromioclavicular joint; it overhangs the glenoid fossa, into which the humerus fits to form the socket of the shoulder joint. The coracoid process curves upwards and forwards from the neck of the scapula and provides attachment for ligaments and muscles.• scapular adj.* * *
scap·u·la (skapґu-lə) pl. scapґulae [L.] [TA] the flat, triangular bone in the back of the shoulder, articulating with the ipsilateral clavicle and humerus; called also shoulder blade. See Plate 40. scapular adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.