
A medication used to treat scabies. Although they were the most effective treatment, pyrethrin- based medications such as the lindane solution Qwell contain benzene, and are no longer generally recommended for use.
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An agent lethal to scabies mites.

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sca·bi·cide 'skā-bə-.sīd n a drug that destroys the itch mite causing scabies

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a drug that kills the mites causing scabies.

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sca·bi·cide (skaґbĭ-sīd) 1. destructive to Sarcoptes scabiei; used in the treatment of scabies. 2. an agent for destroying Sarcoptes scabiei.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • scabicide — /skab euh suyd /, adj. 1. Also, scabicidal. destructive to the organisms causing scabies. n. 2. a scabicide agent. [SCABI(ES) + CIDE] * * * …   Universalium

  • scabicide — noun a drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies • Hypernyms: ↑pesticide * * * /skab euh suyd /, adj. 1. Also, scabicidal. destructive to the organisms causing scabies. n. 2. a scabicide agent. [SCABI(ES) + CIDE] …   Useful english dictionary

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  • gamma benzene hexachloride — One of the purified isomers of hexachlorobenzene which is used as a scabicide and pediculicide applied topically to the skin in various lotions, creams, and shampoos; GBH can be absorbed through the skin. Resembles DDT in its actions but is less… …   Medical dictionary

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