gamma benzene hexachloride
- gamma benzene hexachloride
One of the purified isomers of hexachlorobenzene which is used as a scabicide and pediculicide applied topically to the skin in various lotions,
and shampoos;
GBH can be absorbed through the skin.
Resembles DDT in its actions but is less persistent.
SYN: hexachlorocyclohexane.
* * *
gamma benzene hexa·chlo·ride -.hek-sə-'klō(ə)r-.īd, -'klȯ(ə)r- n the gamma isomer of benzene hexachloride that comprises the insecticide lindane and is used in medicine esp.
as a scabicide and pediculicide in a one-
percent cream,
or shampoo called also gamma BHC
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gam·ma ben·zene hex·a·chlo·ride (gamґə benґzēn hek″sə-klorґīd) lindane.
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gamma benzene hexachloride — noun Etymology: gamma (II) : lindane … Useful english dictionary
benzene hexachloride — benzene hexa·chlo·ride .hek sə klō(ə)r .īd, klȯ(ə)r n any of several stereoisomeric chlorine derivatives C6H6Cl6 of cyclohexane in which the chlorine atoms are all attached to different carbon atoms: BHC esp GAMMA BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE see… … Medical dictionary
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benzene hexachloride — Chem. See BHC. [1880 85] * * * ▪ chemical compound any of several stereoisomers of 1,2,3,4,5,6 hexachlorocyclohexane formed by the light induced addition of chlorine to benzene. One of these isomers is an insecticide called lindane, or… … Universalium
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gamma — 1. Third letter of the Greek alphabet, γ. 2. A unit of magnetic field intensity equal to 10−9 T. [G.] * * * gam·ma gam ə n 1) the third letter of the Greek alphabet symbol Gamma or gamma 2) a unit of magnetic flux density equal to one nanotesla… … Medical dictionary
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ГАММАБЕНЗЕНГЕКСАХЛОРИД — (gamma benzene hexachloride) инсектицид, применяемый в кремах, лосьонах, растворах или шампунях для лечения инвазий, вызванных чесоточным клещом, обычными клещами и вшами (в том числе головной вошью). Иногда у людей отмечаются незначительные… … Толковый словарь по медицине
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