
Irritation of the nose. Derived from the Greek word rhinos meaning of the nose.
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Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane. SYN: nasal catarrh. [rhin- + G. -itis, inflammation]
- acute r. an acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, marked by sneezing, lacrimation, and a profuse secretion of watery mucus; usually associated with infection by one of the common cold viruses. SYN: coryza, head cold.
- allergic r. r. associated with hay fever.
- atrophic r. chronic r. with thinning of the mucous membrane; often associated with crusts and foul-smelling discharge. SYN: ozena.
- r. caseosa, caseous r. a form of chronic r. in which the nasal cavities are more or less completely filled with an ill-smelling cheesy material.
- chronic r. a protracted sluggish inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane; in the later stages the mucous membrane with its glands may be thickened (hypertrophic r.) or thinned (atrophic r.).
- gangrenous r. cancrum nasi.
- hypertrophic r. chronic r. with permanent thickening of the mucous membrane.
- r. medicamentosa inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane secondary to excessive or improper topical medication.
- r. sicca a form of chronic r. with little or no secretion.

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rhi·ni·tis -'nīt-əs n, pl -nit·i·des -'nit-ə-.dēz inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose marked esp. by rhinorrhea, nasal congestion and itching, and sneezing also any of various conditions characterized by rhinitis see allergic rhinitis, rhinitis medicamentosa, rhinitis sicca, vasomotor rhinitis

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inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. It may be caused by virus infection (acute rhinitis; see cold) or an allergic reaction (allergic rhinitis; see hay fever). In atrophic rhinitis the mucous membrane becomes thinned and fragile. In perennial (or vasomotor) rhinitis there is overgrowth of, and increased secretion by, the membrane.

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rhi·ni·tis (ri-niґtis) [rhin- + -itis] inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • rhinitis — n. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. It may be caused by virus infection (acute rhinitis; see (common) cold) or an allergic reaction (allergic rhinitis; see hay fever). In atrophic rhinitis the mucous membrane becomes thinned and… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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