Renal cell carcinoma — For other uses, see RCC (disambiguation). Main article: Kidney cancer Renal cell carcinoma Classification and external resources Micrograph of the most common t … Wikipedia
renal cell carcinoma — or hypernephroma Malignant tumour of the cells that cover and line the kidney. It usually affects persons over age 50 who have vascular disorders of the kidneys. It seldom causes pain, unless it is advanced. It may metastasize to other organs… … Universalium
Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma — Classification and external resources Micrograph of a clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma showing the characteristic apically located nuclei. H … Wikipedia
renal cell carcinoma — noun A type of cancer in which the epithelial cells of the kidney grow uncontrollably … Wiktionary
renal cell carcinoma — see hypernephroma … Medical dictionary
renal cell carcinoma — see hypernephroma … The new mediacal dictionary
Basal-cell carcinoma — Classification and external resources A basal cell carcinoma ICD 10 C44 (ILDS C44.L21) ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Squamous-cell carcinoma — Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS Classification and external resources SCC of the skin tends to arise from pre malignant lesions, actinic keratoses; surface is usually scaly and often ulcerates (as shown here). ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Small-cell carcinoma — Classification and external resources Micrograph of a small cell carcinoma of the lung showing cells with nuclear moulding, minimal amount of cytoplasm and stippled chromatin. FNA specim … Wikipedia
Гипернефрома (Hypernephromd), Опухоль Гравитца (Grawitz Tumour), Карцинома Почечно-Клеточная (Renal Cell Carcinoma) — злокачественная опухоль почечных клеток; ее название связано с тем, что она напоминает по своей структуре надпочечник, и ранее считалось, что она поражает именно надпочечники. Гипернефрома может бессимптомно развиваться в организме человека в… … Медицинские термины