- Registry
- Although a registry was originally the place (like Registry House in Edinburgh) where information was collected (in registers), the word registry has also come to mean the collection itself. A registry is usually organized so the data can be analyzed. For example, analysis of data in a tumor registry maintained at a hospital may show a rise in lung cancer among women.
* * *1. An organization that lists professionals in certain fields. 2. An agency for the collection of pathologic material and related information and the organization of these materials for the purpose of study. 3. An agency for the collection of data on individuals who have had a certain disease to allow follow-up and evaluation of response to therapy.
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1) a place where data, records, or laboratory samples are kept and usu. are made available for research or comparative study <a cancer \registry>2) an establishment at which nurses available for employment are listed and through which they are hired* * *
reg·is·try (rejґis-tre) 1. an office where a nurse may have his or her name listed as being available for duty. 2. a central agency for the collection of pathologic material and related clinical, laboratory, x-ray, and other data in a specified field of pathology, so organized that the data can be properly processed and made available for study.
Medical dictionary. 2011.