- peak flow meter
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
PFM-1 — mit Abwurfbox Allgemeine Angaben Bezeichnung: PFM 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
PFM — could mean:* Prison Fellowship Ministries * Pulse Frequency Modulation * Personal Financial Management, a class of web sites which include Wesabe, Mint.com, Geezeo and Jwaala * Printer Font Metrics, part of a Type 1 font description used by the… … Wikipedia
PFM-1 — (Russian: ПФМ 1 , short for противопехотная фугасная мина anti infantry cluster landmine; NATO name: Green parrot , also known as butterfly mine ) is a land mine of Soviet production, very similar to BLU 43 US Army landmine. Both devices are very … Wikipedia
.pfm — [Abk. für Postscript Font Metric], Erweiterung einer Datei, die metrische Informationen zu einer PostScript Schrift (PostScript) enthält … Universal-Lexikon
PFM — Premiata Forneria Marconi Premiata Forneria Marconi (communément appelé PFM) est un groupe rock italien (rock progressif) dont les débuts remontent à 1972 avec l album Storia di un minuto. Un des leaders du mouvement progressif des années 70, PFM … Wikipédia en Français
PFM-1 — A PFM 1 mine. (Photo credit:Juergen Lumpp) PFM 1 schematic PFM 1 ПФМ 1С (ПФМ 1) противопехотная мина, фугасная нажимного действия. Была разработана в СССР, является почти точной копией американской мины BLU 43/B «Dragontooth». Принята на… … Википедия
PFM — Die Abkürzung PFM steht für: Pulsed Force Mode, eine Betriebsart für ein Rasterkraftmikroskop Photonic Force Microscope, eine Mikroskopieart (optische Pinzette) Pulsfrequenzmodulation Premiata Forneria Marconi, eine italienische Rock Band… … Deutsch Wikipedia
PFM — Pure Freaking Magic. Used by the computer elite when something is too cutting edge to be understood even in their own circles. (Coined by the boys at maximum3d.com.) We understood the FSAA, but 8 layer single pass multi texturing? That s just PFM … Dictionary of american slang
PFM — Pure Freaking Magic. Used by the computer elite when something is too cutting edge to be understood even in their own circles. (Coined by the boys at maximum3d.com.) We understood the FSAA, but 8 layer single pass multi texturing? That s just PFM … Dictionary of american slang
PFM — n. pure fucking magic, absolutely astounding. □ The whole evening was PFM! I had a great time! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
PFM — … Википедия