- Ramus
- In anatomy, a branch, such as a branch of a blood vessel or nerve. For example, the ramus acetabularis arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis is the branch of an artery that goes to the socket of the hip joint. The plural of ramus is rami.
* * *1. SYN: branch. 2. One of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. Arterial and nerve branches are also given under the major nerve or artery. See artery, nerve. 3. A part of an irregularly shaped bone (less slender than a “process”) that forms an angle with the main body ( e.g., r. of mandible). 4. One of the primary divisions of a cerebral sulcus. [L.]- r. acetabularis [TA] SYN: acetabular branch.- rami ad pontem SYN: pontine arteries, under artery.- rami alveolares superiores anteriores nervi infraorbitalis SYN: anterior superior alveolar nerves, under nerve.- rami alveolares superiores posteriores nervi maxillaris [TA] SYN: posterior superior alveolar branches of maxillary nerve, under branch.- r. alveolaris superior medius nervi infraorbitalis [TA] SYN: middle superior alveolar branch of infraorbital nerve.- r. anastomoticus [TA] SYN: anastomotic branch. SEE ALSO: communicating branch.- r. anastomoticus arteriae meningeae mediae cum arteriae lacrimali [TA] SYN: anastomotic branch of middle meningeal artery with lacrimal artery.- anterior rami of cervical nerves [TA] See anterior r. of spinal nerve. SYN: rami anteriores nervorum cervicalium [TA], ventral rami of cervical nerves, rami ventrales nervorum cervicalium, ventral primary rami of cervical spinal nerves.- r. anterior descendens SYN: descending branch of anterior segmental artery of left and right lungs.- r. anterior lateralis the lateral anterior branch, the former name for the ascending anterior branch of the left pulmonary artery.- anterior rami of lumbar nerves [TA] See anterior r. of spinal nerve. SYN: rami anteriores nervorum lumbalium [TA], ventral rami of lumbar nerves, rami ventrales nervorum lumbalium, ventral primary rami of lumbar spinal nerves.- anterior rami of sacral nerves [TA] See anterior r. of spinal nerve. SYN: rami anteriores nervorum sacralium [TA], ventral rami of sacral nerves, rami ventrales nervorum sacralium, ventral primary rami of sacral spinal nerves.- anterior r. of spinal nerve [TA] the larger, anterolaterally directed major terminal branch (with the posterior r.) of all 31 pairs of mixed spinal nerves, formed at the intervertebral foramen. Most anterior rami, especially those involved in the innervation of the limbs, participate in the formation of the major nerve plexuses (cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral) and lose their identities. Most in the thoracic region, however, remain separate from adjacent rami to become the intercostal and subcostal nerves. Anterior rami provide innervation to the anterolateral body wall and trunk. Terminologia Anatomica lists anterior rami for each group of spinal nerves: 1) cervical (nervorum cervicalium [TA]), 2) thoracic (nervorum thoracicorum [TA]), 3) lumbar (nervorum lumbalium [TA]), 4) sacral (nervorum sacralium [TA]), and 5) coccygeal (nervi coccygei [TA]). SYN: r. anterior nervi spinalis [TA], r. ventralis nervi spinalis, ventral r. of spinal nerve, anterior primary division, ventral primary r. of spinal nerve.- anterior rami of thoracic nerves [TA] See anterior r. of spinal nerve. SYN: rami anteriores nervorum thoracis [TA], rami ventrales nervorum thoracis, ventral rami of thoracic nerves, ventral primary rami of thoracic spinal nerves.- r. apicalis lobi inferioris arteriae pulmonalis dextrae apical segmental artery of superior lobar artery of right lung.- r. apicoposterior venae pulmonalis sinistrae superioris apicoposterior vein.- rami articulares [TA] SYN: articular branches, under branch.- rami articulares arteriae descendentis genicularis articular branches, under branch.- r. ascendens [TA] SYN: ascending branch.- r. ascendens arteriae superficialis cervicalis [TA] SYN: ascending branch of superficial cervical artery.- rami atriales [TA] SYN: atrial branches, under branch.- r. atrialis anastomoticus r. circumflexus arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA] SYN: atrial anastomotic branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery.- r. atrialis intermedius arteriae coronariae dextrae [TA] SYN: intermediate atrial branch of right coronary artery.- rami auriculares anteriores arteriae temporalis superficialis [TA] SYN: anterior auricular branches of superficial temporal artery, under branch.- r. auricularis arteriae auricularis posterioris [TA] SYN: auricular branch of posterior auricular artery.- r. basalis tentorii arteriae carotidis internae [TA] SYN: tentorial basal branch of internal carotid artery.- rami bronchiales segmentorum SYN: intrasegmental bronchi, under bronchus.- rami calcanei [TA] SYN: calcaneal branches, under branch.- rami calcanei laterales nervi suralis [TA] SYN: lateral calcaneal branches of sural nerve, under branch.- rami calcanei mediales nervi tibialis [TA] SYN: medial calcaneal branches of tibial nerve, under branch.- r. calcarinus arteriae occipitalis medialis [TA] SYN: calcarine branch of medial occipital artery.- rami capsulae internae the internal capsular branches, the branches of the anterior choroid artery to the internal capsule. SYN: branches to internal capsule, genu [TA], branches to internal capsule, posterior limb [TA], rami cruris posterioris capsulae internae [TA], rami genus capsulae internae [TA], rami partis retrolentiformis capsulae internae [TA], branches to internal capsule, retrolentiform limb.- rami capsulares arteriorum intrarenalium [TA] SYN: capsular branches of intrarenal arteries, under branch.- rami cardiaci cervicales inferiores nervi vagi [TA] SYN: inferior cervical cardiac branches of vagus nerve, under branch.- rami cardiaci cervicales superiores nervi vagi [TA] SYN: superior cervical cardiac branches of vagus nerve, under branch.- rami cardiaci thoracici gangliorum thoracicorum [TA] SYN: thoracic cardiac branches of thoracic ganglia, under branch.- rami cardiaci thoracici nervi vagi [TA] SYN: thoracic cardiac branches of vagus nerve, under branch.- rami caudae nuclei caudati [TA] branches to the tail of the caudate nucleus. 1. branches from either the anterior choroid or the posterior communicating artery, or both, to supply the tail of the caudate nucleus; 2. a branch from the middle cerebral artery to the tail of the caudate nucleus.- rami celiaci trunci vagi posterioris [TA] SYN: celiac branches of posterior vagal trunk, under branch.- rami centrales anteromediales [TA] SYN: anteromedial central branches, under branch.- cephalic arterial rami parietal branches of the sympathetic trunks conveying postsynaptic sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion to the carotid arteries for distribution within the head.- r. chiasmaticus [TA] the chiasmatic branch, a branch of the anterior cerebral artery to the optic chiasm.- rami choroidei SYN: choroid branches, under branch.- rami choroidei posteriores arteriae cerebri posteriores laterales et mediales [TA] SYN: lateral and medial posterior choroidal branches of posterior cerebral artery, under branch.- r. choroidei posteriores laterales [TA] posterior lateral choroid branches [TA] of posterior cerebral artery. See choroid branches, under branch.- r. choroidei posteriores mediales [TA] posterior medial choroid branches [TA] of posterior cerebral artery. See choroid branches, under branch.- r. choroidei ventriculi lateralis [TA] choroidal branches to lateral ventricle [TA] of anterior choroid artery. See choroid branches, under branch.- r. choroidei ventriculi tertii third ventricle choroid branch of anterior artery. See choroid branches, under branch.- r. choroideus ventriculi quarti [TA] choroidal branch to fourth ventricle [TA] of posterior inferior cerebellar artery. See choroid branches, under branch.- r. cingularis [TA] cingular branch [TA], a branch of the callosomarginal artery supplying the gyrus cinguli.- r. cingularis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA] SYN: cingular branch of callosomarginal artery.- r. circumflexus arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA] SYN: circumflex branch of left coronary artery.- r. circumflexus fibularis arteriae tibialis posterioris [TA] SYN: circumflex fibular branch (of posterior tibial artery).- r. circumflexus peronealis arteriae tibialis posterioris circumflex fibular branch (of posterior tibial artery).- rami clivales [TA] clivus branches [TA], the branch to the clivus, a branch of the cerebral part of the internal carotid artery supplying the clivus.- rami clivales partis cerebralis arteriae carotidis internae [TA] SYN: clivus branches of cerebral part of internal carotid artery, under branch.- r. collateralis arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum III–XI [TA] SYN: collateral branches of posterior intercostal arteries 3–11, under branch.- r. collateralis nervorum intercostalium [TA] SYN: collateral branch of intercostal nerves.- r. communicans , pl.rami communicantes [TA] SYN: communicating branch.- r. communicans cum chorda tympani [TA] 1. SYN: communicating branch of chorda tympani with lingual nerve. 2. SYN: communicating branch of otic ganglion with chorda tympani.- r. communicans cum nervo glossopharyngeo 1. SYN: communicating branch of facial nerve with glossopharyngeal nerve. 2. SYN: communicating branch of tympanic plexus with auricular branch of vagus nerve.- r. communicans fibularis nervi fibularis communis [TA] SYN: sural communicating branch of common fibular nerve.- r. communicans ganglii otici cum chorda tympani SYN: communicating branch of otic ganglion with chorda tympani.- r. communicans ganglii otici cum nervo auriculotemporali SYN: communicating branch of otic ganglion to auriculotemporal nerve.- r. communicans ganglii otici cum nervo pterygoideo mediali SYN: communicating branch of otic ganglion with medial pterygoid nerve.- r. communicans ganglii otici cum ramo meningeo nervi mandibularis SYN: communicating branch of otic ganglion with meningeal branch of mandibular nerve.- rami communicantes nervi auriculotemporalis cum nervo faciali [TA] SYN: communicating branches of auriculotemporal nerve with facial nerve, under branch.- r. communicans nervi facialis cum nervo glossopharyngeo [TA] SYN: communicating branch of facial nerve with glossopharyngeal nerve.- r. communicans nervi facialis cum plexu tympanico SYN: communicating branch of intermediate nerve with tympanic plexus.- r. communicans nervi fibularis communis cum nervo cutaneo surae mediali sural communicating branch of common fibular nerve.- r. communicans nervi glossopharyngei cum ramo auriculari nervi vagi SYN: communicating branch of tympanic plexus with auricular branch of vagus nerve.- r. communicans nervi intermedii cum plexu tympanico [TA] SYN: communicating branch of intermediate nerve with tympanic plexus.- r. communicans nervi interossei antebrachii anterioris cum nervi ulnari [TA] SYN: communicating branch of anterior interosseous nerve with ulnar nerve.- r. communicans nervi lacrimalis cum nervo zygomatico [TA] SYN: communicating branch of lacrimal nerve with zygomatic nerve.- r. communicans nervi laryngei interni cum nervo laryngeo recurrente [TA] SYN: communicating branch of internal laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve.- r. communicans nervi laryngei recurrentis cum ramo laryngeo interno SYN: communicating branch of internal laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve.- r. communicans nervi laryngei superioris cum nervo laryngeo recurrenti SYN: communicating branch of internal laryngeal nerve with recurrent laryngeal nerve.- r. communicans nervi lingualis cum chorda tympani SYN: communicating branch of chorda tympani with lingual nerve.- rami communicantes nervi lingualis cum nervo hypoglosso [TA] SYN: communicating branches of lingual nerve with hypoglossal nerve, under branch.- r. communicans nervi mediani cum nervo ulnari SYN: communicating branch of median nerve with ulnar nerve.- r. communicans nervi peronei communis cum nervo cutaneo surae mediali sural communicating branch of common fibular nerve.- r. communicans nervi radialis cum nervi ulnari [TA] SYN: communicating branch of radial nerve with ulnar nerve.- r. communicans peroneus nervi peronei communis sural communicating branch of common fibular nerve.- r. communicans plexus tympanici cum ramo auriculari nervi vagi [TA] SYN: communicating branch of tympanic plexus with auricular branch of vagus nerve.- r. communicans ulnaris nervi radialis SYN: communicating branch of superficial radial nerve with ulnar nerve.- rami communicantes albi [TA] SYN: white rami communicantes.- rami communicantes grisei [TA] SYN: gray rami communicantes.- rami communicantes of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system the communicating branches of the spinal nerves and sympathetic trunk, small bundles of nerve fibers connecting spinal nerves with sympathetic ganglia; the fibers passing from the ganglion to the spinal nerve are nonmyelinated and are called gray rami communicantes, those passing in the reverse direction are myelinated and are called white rami communicantes.- rami corporis amygdaloidei [TA] branches to amygdaloid body [TA], branches of the anterior choroid artery to the amygdaloid body.- r. corporis callosi dorsalis [TA] dorsal branch to corpus callosum [TA], branches of the medial occipital artery to the dorsum of the corpus callosum.- rami corporis geniculati lateralis [TA] branches to lateral geniculate body [TA] branches, branches of the anterior choroid artery to the lateral geniculate body.- r. costalis lateralis arteriae thoracicae internae [TA] SYN: lateral costal branch of internal thoracic artery.- r. cricothyroideus (arteriae thyroideae superioris) SYN: cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery.- rami cruris posterioris capsulae internae [TA] SYN: rami capsulae internae.- rami cutanei anteriores nervi femoralis [TA] SYN: anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve, under branch.- rami cutanei anteriores pectoralis et abdominalis nervorum intercostalium SYN: thoracoabdominal nerves, under nerve.- r. cutaneus anterior abdominalis nervi intercostalis [TA] SYN: anterior abdominal cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve.- r. cutaneus anterior pectoralis nervi intercostalis [TA] SYN: anterior pectoral cutaneous branch of intercostal nerves.- r. cutaneus anterior nervi iliohypogastrici [TA] SYN: anterior cutaneous branch of iliohypogastric nerve.- r. cutaneus anterior (pectoralis et abdominalis) nervorum thoracicorum SYN: thoracoabdominal nerves, under nerve.- r. cutaneus lateralis abdominalis/pectoralis nervorum intercostalium SYN: lateral abdominal/pectoral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves, under branch.- r. cutaneus lateralis nervi iliohypogastrici lateral cutaneous branch of iliohypogastric nerve. See lateral cutaneous branch.- r. cutaneus lateralis ramorum posteriorum arteriae intercostalium lateral cutaneous branch of dorsal branch of posterior intercostal arteries. See lateral cutaneous branch.- r. cutaneus medialis rami dorsalis arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum III–XI SYN: medial cutaneous branch of dorsal branch of posterior intercostal arteries. See medial cutaneous branch of dorsal branch of posterior intercostal arteries.- r. cutaneus medialis ramorum dorsalium nervorum thoracicorum medial cutaneous branch of dorsal branch of thoracic nerves. See medial cutaneous branch of dorsal branch of posterior intercostal arteries.- r. cutaneus rami anterioris nervi obturatorii [TA] SYN: cutaneous branch of anterior branch of obturator nerve.- r. deltoideus [TA] SYN: deltoid branch.- r. deltoideus arteriae profundae brachii [TA] SYN: profunda brachii artery.- r. deltoideus arteriae thoracoacromialis [TA] SYN: thoracoacromial artery.- rami dentales [TA] SYN: dental branches, under branch.- rami dentales arteriae alveolaris inferioris dental branches of inferior alveolar artery. See dental branches, under branch.- rami dentales arteriae alveolaris superioris posterioris dental branch of the posterior superior alveolar artery. See dental branches, under branch.- rami dentales inferiores [TA] SYN: inferior dental branches of inferior dental plexus, under branch. See dental branches, under branch.- rami dentales inferiores plexus dentalis inferioris [TA] SYN: inferior dental branches of inferior dental plexus, under branch.- rami dentales superiores [TA] SYN: superior dental branches of superior dental plexus, under branch.- rami dentales superiores plexus dentalis superioris [TA] SYN: superior dental branches of superior dental plexus, under branch.- r. descendens [TA] SYN: descending branch.- r. descendens arteriae circumflexae femoris lateralis [TA] SYN: descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery.- r. descendens arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis [TA] SYN: descending branch of medial circumflex femoral artery.- r. descendens arteriae segmentalis anterioris pulmonis dextri et sinistri [TA] SYN: descending branch of anterior segmental artery of left and right lungs.- r. descendens arteriae segmentalis posterioris pulmonis dextri et sinistri [TA] SYN: descending branch of posterior segmental artery of left and right lungs.- r. descendens rami superficialis arteriae transversae cervicis [TA] SYN: descending branch of superficial cervical artery.- r. dexter [TA] SYN: right branch.- rami dorsales arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum primae et secundae [TA] SYN: dorsal branches of first and second posterior intercostal artery, under branch.- rami dorsales arteriae intercostalis supremae SYN: dorsal branches of first and second posterior intercostal artery, under branch.- rami dorsales linguae arteriae lingualis [TA] SYN: dorsal lingual branches of lingual artery, under branch.- r. dorsalis arteriarum intercostalium posteriorum III–XI [TA] SYN: dorsal branch of the posterior intercostal arteries 3–11.- r. dorsalis venarum intercostalium posteriorum IV–XI [TA] SYN: dorsal branch of the posterior intercostal veins 4–11.- rami duodenales arteriae pancreaticoduodenalis superioris anterioris [TA] SYN: duodenal branches of anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, under branch.- rami epiploicae SYN: omental branches, under branch.- rami esophageales esophageal branches, under branch.- rami esophageales arteriae gastricae sinistrae [TA] SYN: esophageal branches of the left gastric artery, under branch.- rami esophageales arteriae thyroideae inferioris [TA] SYN: esophageal branches of the inferior thyroid artery, under branch.- rami esophageales gangliorum thoracicorum [TA] SYN: esophageal branches of thoracic ganglia, under branch.- rami esophageales partis thoracicae aortae [TA] SYN: esophageal branches of the thoracic aorta, under branch.- rami esophagei [TA] SYN: esophageal branches, under branch.- rami esophagei nervi laryngei recurrentis [TA] SYN: esophageal branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, under branch.- r. frontalis anteromedialis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA] SYN: anteromedial frontal branch of callosomarginal artery.- r. frontalis arteriae temporalis superficialis [TA] SYN: frontal branch of superficial temporal artery.- r. frontalis intermediomedialis [TA] intermediomedial frontal branch [TA] of the callosomarginal artery.- r. frontalis intermediomedialis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA] SYN: intermediomedial frontal branch of callosomarginal artery.- r. frontalis posteromedialis [TA] posteromedial frontal branch [TA] of the callosomarginal artery.- r. frontalis posteromedialis arteriae callosomarginalis [TA] SYN: posteromedial frontal branch of callosomarginal artery.- rami communicantes ganglii submandibularis cum nervo linguali sensory root of submandibular ganglion.- r. ganglii trigeminalis SYN: branches of internal carotid artery to trigeminal ganglion, under branch.- r. ganglionares trigeminales arteriae carotidis internae [TA] SYN: branches of internal carotid artery to trigeminal ganglion, under branch.- rami gastrici anteriores nervi vagi SYN: anterior gastric branches of anterior vagal trunk, under branch.- rami gastrici anteriores trunci vagalis anterioris [TA] SYN: anterior gastric branches of anterior vagal trunk, under branch.- rami gastrici posteriores nervi vagi SYN: gastric branches of posterior vagal trunk, under branch.- rami gastrici posteriores trunci vagalis posterioris [TA] SYN: posterior gastric branches of posterior vagal trunk, under branch.- rami gingivales inferiores plexus dentalis inferioris [TA] SYN: inferior gingival branches of inferior dental plexus, under branch.- rami gingivales superiores plexus dentalis superioris [TA] SYN: superior gingival branches of superior dental plexus, under branch.- rami glandulares [TA] SYN: glandular branches, under branch.- r. glandulares anterior/lateralis/posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris SYN: anterior/lateral/posterior glandular branches of superior thyroid artery, under branch.- rami glandulares arteriae thyroideae inferioris [TA] SYN: glandular branches of inferior thyroid artery, under branch.- rami glandulares ganglii submandibularis SYN: glandular branches of submandibular ganglion, under branch.- r. glandularis anterior arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA] SYN: anterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery.- r. glandularis posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA] SYN: posterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery.- rami globi pallidi [TA] branches to globus pallidus [TA], branches of the anterior choroid artery to the globus pallidus.- gray rami communicantes [TA] short nerves arising from the lateral aspect of the sympathetic trunk conducting nonmyelinated postsynaptic sympathetic nerve fibers from the sympathetic trunk to the initial portions of all 31 pairs of ventral primary rami of spinal nerves for distribution by all parts (including the dorsal primary r.) of the spinal nerve. The gray rami are the parietal branches of the sympathetic trunks since all postsynaptic fibers to be distributed to the body wall (including limbs) must pass through them. SYN: rami communicantes grisei [TA], communicating branches of sympathetic trunk, communicating rami of sympathetic trunk.- rami hepatici trunci vagi anterior [TA] SYN: hepatic branches of anterior vagal trunk, under branch.- r. hypothalamicus [TA] the hypothalamic branch, a branch of the anterior cerebral artery to the hypothalamus.- rami inferiores nervi transversi cervicalis [colli] SYN: inferior branches of transverse cervical nerve, under branch.- rami inferiores nervi transversi colli inferior branches of transverse cervical nerve, under branch.- inferior pubic r. [TA] inferior extension from body of pubic bone that meets with the r. of the ischium to form the ischiopubic r.. SYN: r. inferior ossis pubis [TA].- r. infrahyoideus arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA] SYN: infrahyoid branch of superior thyroid artery.- rami inguinales arteriarum pudendarum externarum profundarum [TA] SYN: inguinal branches of deep external pudendal arteries, under branch.- rami intercostales anteriores SYN: anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery, under branch.- rami intercostales anteriores arteriae thoracicae internae [TA] SYN: anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery, under branch.- rami interganglionares trunci sympathici [TA] SYN: interganglionic branches of sympathetic trunk, under branch.- r. intermedius arteriae hepaticae propriae [TA] SYN: intermediate branch of hepatic artery proper.- internal r. of accessory nerve SYN: internal branch of trunk of accessory nerve. SEE ALSO: accessory nerve [CN XI].- r. internus trunci nervi accessorii [TA] SYN: internal branch of trunk of accessory nerve. SEE ALSO: accessory nerve [CN XI].- rami interventriculares septales SYN: interventricular septal branches of left/right coronary artery, under branch.- rami interventriculares septales arteriae coronariae sinistrae/dextrae SYN: interventricular septal branches of left/right coronary artery, under branch.- r. interventricularis anterior arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA] SYN: anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery.- r. interventricularis posterior arteriae coronariae dextrae [TA] SYN: posterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery.- ischiopubic r. the inferior r. of the pubis and the r. of the ischium continuous with it, forming the inferomedial boundary of the obturator foramen.- r. of ischium [TA] the branch of the ischial bone, formerly called inferior branch of the ischium; the portion of the bone that passes forward from the ischial tuberosity to join the inferior r. of the pubic bone, thus forming the ischiopubic r.. SYN: r. ossis ischii [TA], ischial r..- rami isthmi faucium nervi lingualis [TA] SYN: branches of lingual nerve to isthmus of fauces, under branch.- rami labiales anteriores arteriae pudendae externae profundae [TA] SYN: anterior labial branches of deep external pudendal artery, under branch.- rami labiales posteriores arteriae perinealis [TA] SYN: posterior labial branches of internal perineal artery.- rami labiales posteriores arteriae pudendae internae SYN: posterior labial branches of internal perineal artery.- rami labiales superiores nervi infraorbitalis [TA] SYN: superior labial branches of infraorbital nerve, under branch.- rami laryngopharyngei ganglii cervicalis superioris [TA] SYN: laryngopharyngeal branches of superior cervical ganglion, under branch.- rami laterales [TA] SYN: lateral branches, under branch.- rami laterales arteriae pontis [TA] SYN: lateral branches of pontine arteries, under branch.- rami laterales arteriarum centralium anterolateralium lateral branch of anterolateral central arteries.- rami laterales arteriarum tuberis cinerei [TA] SYN: lateral branches of artery of tuber cinereum, under branch.- rami laterales rami sinistri venae portae hepatis lateral branch of left branch of portal vein. See lateral branches, under branch.- rami laterales ramorum dorsalium nervorum spinalis lateral branch of dorsal primary rami of spinal nerves. See lateral branches, under branch.- r. lateralis ductus hepatici sinistri lateral branch left hepatic duct. See lateral branches, under branch.- r. lateralis interventricularis anterioris arteriae coronariae sinistrae lateral branch of anterior interventricular artery. See lateral branches, under branch.- r. lateralis nervi supraorbitalis lateral branch of supraorbital nerve. See lateral branches, under branch.- r. lateralis ramorum dorsalium nervorum thoracicorum lateral cutaneous branch of dorsal branch of thoracic nerves.- r. lateralis rami lobaris medii arteriae pulmonalis dextrae lateral branch of middle lobe branch of right pulmonary artery. See lateral branches, under branch.- rami linguales nervi glossopharyngei lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve. See lingual branches, under branch.- rami linguales nervi hypoglossi lingual branch of hypoglossal nerve. See lingual branches, under branch.- rami linguales nervi lingualis lingual branch of lingual nerve. See lingual branches, under branch.- rami linguales SYN: lingual branches, under branch.- r. lingularis venae pulmonis sinistrae superioris lingular vein.- rami lobi caudati rami sinistri venae portae hepatis [TA] SYN: caudate branches of left branch of portal vein, under branch.- r. lobi medii arteriae pulmonalis dextrae middle lobe branch of right pulmonary artery. See middle lobe vein.- rami malleolares laterales arteriae fibularis (peronei) [TA] SYN: lateral malleolar branch (of fibular peroneal artery).- rami malleolares mediales arteriae tibialis posterioris [TA] SYN: medial malleolar branches (of posterior tibial artery), under branch.- rami mammarii laterales arteriae thoracicae lateralis [TA] SYN: lateral mammary branches of lateral thoracic artery, under branch.- rami mammarii laterales ramorum cutaneorum lateralium nervorum intercostalium SYN: lateral mammary branches of lateral cutaneous branches of thoracic spinal nerves, under branch.- rami mammarii laterales ramorum cutaneorum lateralis nervorum thoracicorum SYN: lateral mammary branches of lateral cutaneous branches of thoracic spinal nerves, under branch.- rami mammarii mediales ramorum cutaneorum anteriorum nervorum intercostalium medial mammary branches of anterior cutaneous branches of ventral primary rami of thoracic spinal nerves. See medial mammary branches, under branch.- rami mammarii mediales rami cutanei anterioris ramorum ventralium nervorum thoracicorum medial mammary branches of anterior cutaneous branches of ventral primary rami of thoracic spinal nerves. See medial mammary branches, under branch.- rami mammarii mediales ramorum perforantium arteriae thoracicae internae medial mammary branches of perforating branches of internal thoracic artery. See medial mammary branches, under branch.- r. of mandible [TA] the upturned perpendicular extremity of the mandible on either side; it gives attachment on its lateral surface to the masseter muscle. SYN: r. mandibulae [TA].- r. marginalis [TA] SYN: marginal sulcus.- r. marginalis dexter (arteriae coronariae dextrae) [TA] SYN: right marginal branch (of right coronary artery).- r. marginalis tentorii arteriae carotidis internae SYN: tentorial marginal branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery.- r. marginalis tentorii partis cavernosae arteriae carotidis internae [TA] SYN: tentorial marginal branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery.- rami mastoidei arteriae auricularis posterioris SYN: mastoid branches of posterior tympanic artery, under branch.- rami mastoidei arteriae tympanicae posterioris [TA] SYN: mastoid branches of posterior tympanic artery, under branch.- r. meatus acustici interni SYN: labyrinthine artery.- rami mediales [TA] SYN: medial branches, under branch.- rami mediales arteriae pontis [TA] SYN: medial branches of pontine arteries, under branch.- rami mediales arteriarum centralium anterolateralium medial branch of anterolateral central arteries. See medial branches, under branch.- rami mediales arteriarum tuberis cinerei [TA] SYN: medial branches of artery of tuber cinereum, under branch.- r. medialis ductus hepatici sinistri medial branch of left hepatic duct. See medial branches, under branch.- r. medialis nervi supraorbitalis medial branch of supraorbital nerve. See medial branches, under branch.- r. medialis rami lobaris medii arteriae pulmonalis dextrae medial branch of middle lobar branch of right pulmonary artery. See medial branches, under branch.- rami mediales rami sinistri venae portae hepatis medial branch of left branch of portal vein. See medial branches, under branch.- r. medialis ramorum dorsalium nervorum spinalis SYN: medial branch of posterior rami of spinal nerves. See medial branches, under branch.- rami mediastinales [TA] SYN: mediastinal branches, under branch.- rami mediastinales aortae thoracicae [TA] SYN: mediastinal branches of thoracic aorta, under branch.- rami mediastinales arteriae thoracicae internae [TA] SYN: mediastinal branches of internal thoracic artery, under branch.- rami medullares laterales lateral medullary branches [TA], branches of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery to the lateral part of the medulla oblongata.- rami medullares laterales (partis intracranialis) arteriae vertebralis [TA] SYN: lateral medullary branches of (intracranial part of) vertebral artery, under branch.- rami medullares mediales medial medullary branches [TA], branches of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery to the medial part of the medulla oblongata.- rami medullares mediales arteriae vertebralis [TA] SYN: medial medullary branches of vertebral artery, under branch.- rami membranae tympani nervi auriculotemporalis [TA] SYN: branches of auriculotemporal nerve to tympanic membrane, under branch.- rami meningei [TA] SYN: meningeal branches, under branch.- r. meningeus accessorius SYN: pterygomeningeal artery.- r. meningeus accessorius arteriae meningeae mediae SYN: accessory branch of middle meningeal artery.- r. meningeus anterior arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA] SYN: anterior meningeal branch (of anterior ethmoidal artery).- r. meningeus arteriae carotidis internae SYN: meningeal branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery.- r. meningeus partis cavernosae arteriae carotidis internae [TA] SYN: meningeal branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery.- r. meningeus partis cerebralis arteriae carotidis internae [TA] SYN: meningeal branch of cerebral part of internal carotid artery.- r. meningeus (partis intracranialis) arteriae vertebralis [TA] SYN: meningeal branch of (intracranial part of) vertebral artery.- rami musculares [TA] SYN: muscular branches, under branch.- rami musculares arteriae vertebralis [TA] See muscular branches, under branch.- rami musculares nervorum intercostalium [TA] See muscular branches, under branch.- rami musculares nervorum perinealium [TA] See muscular branches, under branch.- rami musculares nervorum spinalium [TA] See muscular branches, under branch.- rami musculares partis supraclavicularis plexus brachialis [TA] See muscular branches, under branch.- r. musculi stylopharyngei nervi glossopharyngei [TA] SYN: stylopharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve.- r. mylohyoideus arteriae alveolaris inferioris [TA] SYN: mylohyoid branch (of inferior alveolar artery).- rami nasales anteriores laterales arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA] SYN: anterior lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal artery, under branch.- rami nasales externi nervi ethmoidalis anterioris external nasal branch of nasociliary nerve; See external nasal branches of infraorbital nerve, under branch.- rami nasales externi nervi infraorbitalis SYN: external nasal branches of infraorbital nerve, under branch. See external nasal branches of infraorbital nerve, under branch.- rami nasales interni nervi ethmoidalis anterioris internal nasal branch of nasociliary nerve. See internal nasal branches, under branch.- rami nasales interni nervi infraorbitalis internal nasal branch of infraorbital nerve. See internal nasal branches, under branch.- rami nasales laterales nervi ethmoidalis anterioris [TA] SYN: lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve, under branch.- rami nasales mediales nervi ethmoidalis anterioris [TA] SYN: medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve, under branch.- rami nasales posteriores inferiores nervi palatini majoris [TA] SYN: posterior inferior nasal nerves, under nerve.- rami nasales posteriores superiores laterales ganglii pterygopalatini SYN: posterior superior lateral nasal branches of maxillary nerve, under branch.- rami nasales posteriores superiores laterales nervi maxillaris SYN: posterior superior lateral nasal branches of maxillary nerve, under branch.- rami nasales posteriores superiores mediales ganglii pterygopalatini SYN: posterior superior medial nasal branches of maxillary nerve, under branch.- rami nasales posteriores superiores mediales nervi maxillaris [TA] SYN: posterior superior medial nasal branches of maxillary nerve, under branch.- r. nervi oculomotorii arteriae communicantis posterioris the branch to the oculomotor nerve, a branch of the posterior communicating artery to the oculomotor nerve.- r. nodi sinuatrialis arteriae coronariae dextrae [TA] SYN: sinuatrial (S-A) nodal branch of right coronary artery.- rami nucleorum hypothalamicorum [TA] branches to hypothalamic nuclei [TA], branches of the anterior choroid artery to the nuclei of the hypothalamus.- r. obturatorius rami pubici arteriae epigastricae inferioris [TA] SYN: obturator branch of pubic branch of inferior epigastric vein.- rami occipitales arteriae auricularis posterioris occipital branch of posterior auricular artery. See occipital branch.- rami occipitales nervi auricularis posterioris occipital branch posterior auricular nerve. See occipital branch.- r. occipitalis [TA] SYN: occipital branch.- r. occipitotemporalis [TA] occipitotemporal branch [TA], a branch of the medial occipital artery to the occipital and temporal regions of the cerebral cortex.- rami omentales [TA] SYN: omental branches, under branch.- r. palmaris nervi interossei antebrachii anterioris [TA] SYN: palmar branch of anterior interosseous nerve.- rami palpebrales nervi infratrochlearis [TA] SYN: palpebral branches of infratrochlear nerve, under branch.- rami pancreatici [TA] SYN: pancreatic branches, under branch.- rami pancreatici arteriae pancreaticoduodenalis superioris pancreatic branch of superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries. See pancreatic branches, under branch.- rami pancreatici arteriae splenicae pancreatic branch splenic artery. See pancreatic branches, under branch.- r. paracentrales [TA] SYN: paracentral branches (of pericallosal artery), under branch.- rami paracentrales arteriae callosomarginalis [TA] SYN: paracentral branches of callosomarginal artery, under branch.- rami parietales [TA] SYN: parietal branch.- r. parietalis arteriae temporalis superficialis [TA] SYN: parietal branch of superficial temporal artery.- r. parieto-occipitalis arteriae occipitalis medialis [TA] SYN: parieto-occipital branch (of posterior cerebral artery).- rami parotidei [TA] SYN: parotid branches, under branch.- r. parotidei arteriae temporalis superficialis parotid branch of superficial temporal artery. See parotid branches, under branch.- rami parotidei nervi auriculotemporalis parotid branch of auriculotemporal nerve. See parotid branches, under branch.- rami partis retrolentiformis capsulae internae [TA] SYN: rami capsulae internae.- rami pectorales arteriae thoracoacromialis [TA] SYN: pectoral branch of thoracoacromial artery, under branch.- rami pedunculares [TA] peduncular branches [TA], branches of the posterior cerebral artery to the cerebral peduncles.- r. perforans [TA] SYN: perforating branches, under branch.- r. perforans arteriae interossei anterioris [TA] SYN: perforating branch of anterior interosseous artery.- rami perforantes arteriae thoracicae internae [TA] SYN: perforating branches of internal thoracic artery, under branch.- rami perforantes arteriarum metatarsearum plantarium [TA] SYN: perforating branches (of plantar metatarsal arteries), under branch.- rami perineales nervi cutanei femoris posterioris [TA] SYN: perineal branches of posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, under branch.- rami pharyngeales pharyngeal branches, under branch.- rami pharyngeales arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis [TA] SYN: pharyngeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery.- rami pharyngeales arteriae thyroideae inferioris [TA] SYN: pharyngeal branch of inferior thyroid artery.- rami pharyngei nervi laryngei recurrentis [TA] SYN: pharyngeal branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve, under branch.- r. pharyngeus arteriae canalis pterygoidei [TA] SYN: pharyngeal branch of the artery of pterygoid canal.- r. pharyngeus arteriae palatinae descendentis [TA] SYN: pharyngeal branch of descending palatine artery.- r. pharyngeus ganglii pterygopalatini SYN: pharyngeal nerve.- rami phrenicoabdominales nervi phrenici SYN: phrenicoabdominal branches of phrenic nerve, under branch.- r. posterior arteriae pancreaticoduodenalis inferioris [TA] SYN: posterior branch of inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery.- r. posterior arteriae renalis [TA] SYN: posterior branch of renal artery. See segmental arteries of kidney, under artery.- r. posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris SYN: posterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery.- r. posterior descendens SYN: descending branch of posterior segmental artery of left and right lungs.- rami posteriores [TA] SYN: posterior branches, under branch.- posterior r. of lateral cerebral sulcus [TA] the long, posteriorly-directed continuation of the lateral cerebral sulcus which extends between the temporal lobe inferiorly and the parietal lobe superiorly, its termination surrounded by the supramarginal gyrus. SYN: posterior branch of lateral cerebral sulcus, r. posterior sulci lateralis cerebri.- r. posterior nervi cutanei antebrachii medialis [TA] SYN: posterior branch of medial cutaneous nerve of forearm.- r. posterior rami dextri venae portae hepatis [TA] SYN: posterior branch of right branch of portal vein.- posterior r. of spinal nerve [TA] the smaller, posteriorly directed major terminal branch (with the anterior r.) of all 31 pairs of mixed spinal nerves, formed at the intervertebral foramen and turning abruptly posteriorly to divide into lateral and medial branches, both of which will supply the deep (true) muscles of the back. The medial branch (rami medialis [TA]) of the dorsal primary r. also supplies articular branches to the zygapophyseal joints and the periosteum of the vertebral arch. In the neck and upper back, the medial branch continues through the deep and superficial back muscles to supply overlying skin; in the lower back, the lateral branch does this. Terminologia Anatomica lists posterior rami (rami dorsales) for each group of spinal nerves: 1) cervical (nervorum cervicalium [TA]), 2) thoracic (nervorum thoracicorum [TA]), 3) lumbar (nervorum lumbalium [TA]), 4) sacral (nervorum sacralium [TA]), and 5) coccygeal (nervi coccygei [TA]). SYN: r. posterior nervi spinalis [TA], dorsal primary r. of spinal nerve, r. dorsalis nervi spinalis, dorsal branch (1), posterior primary division, r. dorsalis.- r. posterior venae pulmonalis dextrae superioris [TA] SYN: posterior branch of right superior pulmonary vein.- rami precuneales arteriae cerebri anterioris [TA] SYN: precuneal branches (of anterior cerebral artery), under branch.- r. prelaminaris rami spinalis rami dorsalis arteriae intercostalis posterioris [TA] SYN: prelaminar branch of spinal branch of dorsal branch of posterior intercostal artery.- r. profundus arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis [TA] SYN: deep branch of the medial circumflex femoral artery.- rami prostatici arteriae rectalis mediae [TA] SYN: prostatic branches of middle rectal artery, under branch.- rami prostatici arteriae vesicalis inferioris [TA] SYN: prostatic branches of inferior vesical artery, under branch.- r. pterygoideus arteriae temporalis profundae posterioris [TA] SYN: pterygoid branch of posterior deep temporal artery.- rami pulmonales plexi nervosi pulmonalis [TA] SYN: pulmonary branches of pulmonary nerve plexus, under branch.- rami pulmonales systematis autonomici SYN: pulmonary branch of autonomic nervous system, under branch.- rami pulmonales thoracici gangliorum thoracicorum [TA] SYN: thoracic pulmonary branches of thoracic ganglia, under branch.- rami radiculares SYN: spinal arteries, under artery.- r. atrialis intermedius arteriae coronariae sinistrae [TA] SYN: intermediate atrial branch of left coronary artery.- rami sacrales laterales arteriae sacralis medianae [TA] SYN: lateral sacral branches of median sacral artery, under branch.- r. saphenus arteriae descendentis genicularis [TA] SYN: saphenous branch of descending genicular artery.- rami scrotales anteriores arteriae pudendae externae profundae [TA] SYN: anterior scrotal branch of deep external pudendal artery.- rami scrotales posteriores arteriae perinealis [TA] SYN: posterior scrotal branches of perineal artery, under branch.- rami scrotales posteriores arteriae pudendae internae SYN: posterior scrotal branches of perineal artery, under branch.- rami septales rami interventricularis septales.- rami septales anteriores arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA] SYN: anterior septal branches of anterior ethmoidal artery, under branch.- r. septi nasi arteriae labialis superioris [TA] SYN: nasal septal branch of superior labial branch of facial artery.- r. sinister [TA] SYN: left branch.- r. sinus carotici nervi glossopharyngei CN IX [TA] SYN: carotid branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX).- r. sinus cavernosi the cavernous sinus branch, a branch of the cavernous part of the internal carotid artery supplying the walls of the cavernous sinus.- r. sinus cavernosi arteriae carotidis arteriae SYN: cavernous branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery.- r. sinus cavernosi arteriae carotidis internae SYN: cavernous branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery.- r. sinus cavernosi partis cavernosae arteriae carotidis internae [TA] SYN: cavernous branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery.- rami spinales [TA] spinal branches 1. SYN: spinal branches, under branch. 2. veins draining the meninges and spinal cord, tributaries of the intervertebral veins.- r. stapedius arteriae tympanicae posterioris [TA] SYN: stapedial branch of posterior tympanic artery.- rami sternales arteriae thoracicae internae [TA] SYN: sternal branches of internal thoracic artery, under branch.- rami sternocleidomastoidei arteriae occipitalis SYN: sternocleidomastoid branches of occipital artery, under branch.- r. sternocleidomastoideus arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA] SYN: sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery.- rami subendocardiales fasciculi atrioventricularis [TA] SYN: subendocardial branches of atrioventricular bundles, under branch.- rami subscapulares arteriae axillaris [TA] SYN: subscapular branches of axillary artery, under branch.- rami substantiae nigrae [TA] branches to substantia nigra [TA], the branches of the anterior choroid artery to the substantia nigra.- r. superficialis [TA] SYN: superficial branch.- r. superficialis arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis [TA] SYN: superficial branch of medial circumflex femoral artery.- r. superficialis arteriae gluteae superioris [TA] SYN: superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery.- r. superficialis arteriae plantaris medialis [TA] SYN: superficial branch of the medial plantar artery.- r. superficialis arteriae transversae colli [TA] SYN: superficial branch of the transverse cervical artery.- r. superficialis nervi plantaris lateralis [TA] SYN: superficial branch of the lateral plantar nerve.- r. superior nervi transversalis cervicalis (colli) [TA] SYN: superior branch of the transverse cervical nerve.- superior pubic r. [TA] a bar of bone, triangular in section, which extends posterosuperiorly from the body of the pubis to form the superior boundary of the obturator foramen; developmentally, it contributes about one-fifth of the articular surface of the acetabulum. SYN: r. superior ossis pubis [TA], superior branch of the pubic bone.- r. superior venae pulmonalis dextrae/sinistrae inferioris SYN: superior branch of the right and left inferior pulmonary veins.- r. sympathicus (sympatheticus) ad ganglion submandibulare SYN: sympathetic root of submandibular ganglion.- rami temporales anteriores [TA] anterior temporal branches [TA] of lateral occipital artery, giving arterial supply to the cortex of the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the brain.- rami temporales intermedii [TA] intermediate temporal branches [TA] of lateral occipital artery, giving arterial supply to the cortex of the intermediate and medial part of the temporal lobe of the brain.- rami temporales intermedii arteriae occipitalis lateralis [TA] SYN: intermediate temporal branches of lateral occipital artery, under branch.- rami temporales medii arteriae occipitalis lateralis intermediate temporal branches of lateral occipital artery, under branch.- rami temporales posteriores [TA] posterior temporal branches [TA] of lateral occipital artery giving arterial supply to the cortex of the posterior part of the temporal lobe of the brain.- rami temporales superficiales nervi auriculotemporalis [TA] SYN: superficial temporal branch of auriculotemporal nerve, under branch.- r. temporalis medius partis insularis arteriae cerebrae mediae [TA] SYN: middle temporal branch of insular part of middle cerebral artery.- r. temporalis posterior arteriae cerebri mediae [TA] SYN: posterior temporal branch of middle cerebral artery.- r. tentorii tentorial nerve.- rami terminales arteriae cerebri medii [TA] SYN: terminal branches of middle cerebral artery, under branch.- rami thalamici branches of the posterior cerebral artery to the thalamus, such as the thalamoperforating and thalamogeniculate arteries.- rami thymici arteriae thoracicae internae [TA] SYN: thymic branches of internal thoracic artery, under branch.- r. tonsillae cerebellae [TA] cerebellar tonsillar branch [TA], the branch to the cerebellar tonsil, a branch from the posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplying the tonsil of the cerebellum.- rami tonsillares nervi glossopharyngei SYN: tonsillar branches of glossopharyngeal nerve, under branch.- rami tonsillares nervi palatini minores [TA] SYN: tonsillar branches of lesser palatine nerves, under branch.- rami tracheales [TA] SYN: tracheal branches, under branch.- rami tracheales arteriae thyroideae inferioris tracheal branches of inferior thyroid artery. See tracheal branches, under branch.- rami tracheales nervi laryngei recurrentis tracheal branches of recurrent laryngeal nerve. See tracheal branches, under branch.- rami tractus optici [TA] branches to optic tract [TA] branches, branches of the anterior choroid artery to the optic tract.- r. transversus arteriae circumflexae femoris lateralis [TA] SYN: transverse branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery.- r. transversus arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis transverse branches of medial femoral circumflex artery.- r. tubarius [TA] SYN: tubal branch.- rami tuberis cinerei [TA] branches to tuber cinereum [TA], the branches of the anterior choroid artery to the tuber cinereum.- r. ulnaris nervi cutanei antebrachii medialis SYN: posterior branch of medial cutaneous nerve of forearm.- rami ureterici [TA] SYN: ureteric branches, under branch.- rami ureterici arteriae suprarenalis inferioris [TA] SYN: ureteric branches of the inferior suprarenal artery, under branch.- rami ureterici arteriae testicularis [TA] SYN: ureteric branches of the testicular artery, under branch.- rami ureterici partis patentis arteriae umbilicalis [TA] SYN: ureteric branches of the patent part of umbilical artery, under branch.- rami ventrales nervorum cervicalium SYN: anterior rami of cervical nerves. See anterior r. of spinal nerve.- rami ventrales nervorum lumbalium SYN: anterior rami of lumbar nerves. See anterior r. of spinal nerve.- rami ventrales nervorum sacralium SYN: anterior rami of sacral nerves. See anterior r. of spinal nerve.- ventral primary rami of sacral spinal nerves SYN: anterior rami of sacral nerves. See anterior r. of spinal nerve.- r. vestibularis posterior arteriae vestibulocochlearis [TA] SYN: posterior vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery.- white rami communicantes [TA] short nerves arising from the initial portion of the ventral primary rami of the thoracic and upper lumbar spinal nerves through which all presynaptic sympathetic nerve fibers must pass to reach the sympathetic trunks; also conveyed by the white rami communicans are visceral afferent (sensory) fibers that were conveyed to the sympathetic trunks in splanchnic nerves. Most fibers conveyed by the white rami communicantes are myelinated. SYN: rami communicantes albi [TA], communicating branches of spinal nerves, rami communicantes nervorum spinalium.
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a) the posterior more or less vertical part of the lower jaw on each side which articulates with the skullb ) (1) the upper more cranial branch of the pubis that extends from the pubic symphysis to the body of the pubis at the acetabulum and forms the cranial part of the obturator foramen called also superior ramus (2) the thin flat lower branch of the pubis that extends from the pubic symphysis to unite with the ramus of the ischium in forming the inferior rim of the obturator foramen called also inferior ramusc) a branch of the ischium that extends down and forward from the ischial tuberosity to unite with the inferior ramus of the pubis in forming the inferior rim of the obturator foramen called also inferior ramus* * *
n. (pl. rami)1. a branch, especially of a nerve fibre or blood vessel.2. a thin process projecting from a bone, e.g. the rami of the mandible.* * *
ra·mus (raґməs) gen. and pl. raґmi [L.] branch: anatomic terminology for a smaller structure given off by a larger one, or into which the larger structure, such as a blood vessel or nerve, divides. ramal adjDescriptions are given on TA terms and include anglicized names of specific branches.
Medical dictionary. 2011.