Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia; pancreatic extract; paper electrophoresis; partial epilepsy; peak ejection; peak error; pediatric exclusivity; pelvic examination; penile erection; pericardial effusion; peritoneal exudate; pharyngoesophageal; phaseencoded; phenylethylamine; phenylephrine; phenytoin equivalent; phosphatidyl ethanolamine; photographic effect; photosensitive epilepsy; phycoerythrin; physical education; physical engineering; physical examination; physical exercise; physician extender; physiological ecology; pigmented epithelium; pilocarpine-epinephrine; placental extract; plant engineering; plasma exchange; platinum etoposide; pleural effusion; point of entry; polyethylene; potential energy; powdered extract; preeclampsia; preexcitation; prescription error; present evaluation; pressure equalization; presumptive eligibility; prior to exposure; probable error; processing element; professional engineer; program evaluation; pseudoexfoliation; pulmonary edema; pulmonary embolism; pulmonary embolus; pyrogenic exotoxin

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1) physical examination
2) pulmonary embolism

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phosphatidylethanolamine; phycoerythrin; pulmonary embolism.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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