
The result of mathematical division. The I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) is arrived at by dividing the person's mental age (as determined on the Binet test) by the person's chronologic age and multiplying by 100. So if a child scores at the 8-year old level but is only 6, the I.Q. is 8/6 X 100=125.
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The number of times one amount is contained in another; the ratio of two numbers. SEE ALSO: index (2), ratio. [L. quoties, how often]
- achievement q. a ratio, percentile rating, or related q. denoting the amount a child has learned in relation to peers of his or her age or level of education.
- Ayala q. SYN: Ayala index.
- cognitive laterality q. (CLQ) test for difference in cognitive performance of left and right sides of the brain.
- extremal q. the ratio of the rate in the jurisdiction with the highest rate of interventions such as surgical procedures to the rate in the jurisdiction with the lowest rate.
- intelligence q. (IQ) the psychologist's index of measured intelligence as one part of a two-part determination of intelligence, the other part being an index of adaptive behavior and including such criteria as school grades or work performance. IQ is a score, or similar quantitative index, used to denote a person's standing relative to age peers on a test of general ability, ordinarily expressed as a ratio between the person's score on a given test and the score that the average individual of comparable age attained on the same test, the ratio being computed by the psychologist or determined from a table of age norms, such as the various Wechsler intelligence scales.
- Meyerhof oxidation q. an index for the effect of oxygen on glycolysis and on fermentation ( I.E., on the Pasteur effect); equal to the rate of anaerobic fermentation minus the rate of aerobic respiration divided by the rate of oxygen uptake.
- P/O q. SYN: P/O ratio.
- protein q. the number obtained by dividing the quantity of globulin of the blood plasma by the quantity of albumin.
- respiratory q. (R.Q.) the steady-state ratio of carbon dioxide produced by tissue metabolism to oxygen consumed in the same metabolism; for the whole body, normally about 0.82 under basal conditions; in the steady state, the respiratory q. is equal to the respiratory exchange ratio. SYN: respiratory coefficient.
- spinal q. SYN: Ayala index.

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quo·tient 'kwō-shənt n the numerical ratio usu. multiplied by 100 between a test score and a measurement on which that score might be expected largely to depend

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quo·tient (kwoґshənt) a number obtained as the result of division; a number indicating how many times one number is contained in another.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • quotient — [ kɔsjɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1484; lat. quotie(n)s « combien de fois, autant de fois que » 1 ♦ Résultat d une division. Quotient de deux nombres, obtenu en les divisant l un par l autre. Quotient, dans un anneau commutatif A, de a par b (a, b, éléments de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • quotient — QUOTIÉNT s.n. Rezultat al unei diviziuni; cât. ♢ Quotient intelectual = raport între vârsta mentală şi cea reală a unui copil; quotient respiratoriu = raport între volumul de bioxid de carbon eliminat şi cel de oxigen absorbit în acelaşi timp de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Quotient — Sm erw. fach. (15. Jh.) Neoklassische Bildung. Umbildung von l. quotiēns wie oft als das so und so oft Teilbare .    Ebenso nndl. qotiënt, ne. quotient, nfrz. quotient, nschw. kvot, nnorw. kvotient, nisl. kvóti; Quote. ✎ DF 3 (1977), 104f.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Quotient — Quo tient (kw[=o] shent), n. [F., fr. L. quoties how often, how many times, fr. quot how many. See {Quota}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Arith.) The number resulting from the division of one number by another, and showing how often a less number is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quotient — Quotient. s. m. Terme d Arithmetique. Nombre qui resulte de la division d un nombre par un autre. Le quotient du nombre douze divisé par trois, est quatre, & du nombre douze divisé par quatre, est trois …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • Quotiént — (lat.), s. Division, S. 64 …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Quotiént — (lat.), s. Division …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • quotient — (n.) early 15c., from L. quotiens how many times, from quot how many, related to quis who. The Latin adverb quotiens was mistaken in Middle English for a present participle in ens …   Etymology dictionary

  • quotient — ► NOUN 1) Mathematics a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another. 2) a degree or amount of a specified quality. ORIGIN from Latin quotiens how many times , from quot how many …   English terms dictionary

  • quotient — [kwō′shənt] n. [ME quocient < L quoties, quotiens, how often, how many times < quot, how many] Math. 1. a) the result obtained when one number is divided by another b) the whole number part of this result 2. the fraction indicating this… …   English World dictionary

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