
: A thick whitish-yellow fluid which results from the accumulation of white blood cells (WBCs), liquified tissue and cellular debris. Pus is commonly a site of infection or foreign material in the body.
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A fluid product of inflammation, consisting of a liquid containing leukocytes and the debris of dead cells and tissue elements liquefied by the proteolytic and histolytic enzymes ( e.g., leukoprotease) that are elaborated by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. [L.]
- blue p. p. tinged with pyocyanin, a product of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- cheesy p. a very thick almost solid p. resulting from the absorption of the liquor puris.
- curdy p. p. containing flakes of caseous matter.
- green p. blue p. when, as sometimes happens, it has more of a green hue.
- ichorous p. thin p. containing shreds of sloughing tissue, and sometimes of a fetid odor.
- laudable p. an obsolete term used when suppuration was considered unlikely to lead to pyemia (blood poisoning) but more likely to remain localized.
- sanious p. ichorous p. stained with blood.

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pus 'pəs n thick opaque usu. yellowish white fluid matter formed by suppuration and composed of exudate containing leukocytes, tissue debris, and microorganisms

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a thick yellowish or greenish liquid formed at the site of an established infection. Pus contains dead white blood cells, both living and dead bacteria, and fragments of dead tissue. See also mucopus, seropus.

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(pus) gen. puґris pl. puґra [L.] a liquid inflammation product made up of leukocytes, cellular debris, and a thin protein-rich fluid called liquor puris.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pus — PUS. s. m. Matiere corrompuë qui se forme dans les parties où il y a inflammation, contusion, playe, abscés, &c. Le pus commence à se former. dés qu on luy eut donné un coup de lancette. le pus sortit en abondance. on luy a tiré du sang qui est… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Pus — ist die lateinische Bezeichnung für Eiter PUS steht für: der IATA.Code für den Flughafen Gimhae in Südkorea Puś ist der Name von Wiesław Puś (*1940), Rektor der Universität Łódź 2002–2008 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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