
Inflammation of the joints caused by deposits of calcium pyrophosphate crystals, resulting in arthritis, most commonly of the knees, wrists, shoulders, hips, and ankles, usually affecting only one or a few joints at a time.
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Acute episodic synovitis caused by deposits of calcium pyrophosphate crystals rather than urate crystals as in true gout; associated with articular chondrocalcinosis; the genetics is unclear. SYN: calcium gout.

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pseu·do·gout -'gau̇t n an arthritic condition which resembles gout but is characterized by the deposition of crystalline salts other than urates in and around the joints

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joint pain and swelling, resembling gout, caused by crystals of calcium pyrophosphate in the synovial membrane and fluid. See also chondrocalcinosis.

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pseu·do·gout (sooґdo-gout″) [pseudo- + gout] calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease, particularly the acute and subacute forms.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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