Aneurysm, venous — An aneurysm involving a vein. As opposed to an arterial aneurysm or a cardiac aneurysm. An aneurysm is a localized widening (dilatation) of an artery, vein, or the heart. At the area of an aneurysm, there is typically a bulge and the wall is… … Medical dictionary
Aneurysm — For other uses, see Aneurysm (disambiguation). Aneurysm Classification and external resources Angiography of an aneurism in a cerebral artery ICD 10 I … Wikipedia
aneurysm — aneurysmal, aneurismal, adj. aneurysmally, aneurismally, adv. /an yeuh riz euhm/, n. Pathol. a permanent cardiac or arterial dilatation usually caused by weakening of the vessel wall. Also, aneurism. [1650 60; < Gk aneúrysma dilation, equiv. to… … Universalium
Aneurysm — A localized widening (dilatation) of an artery, vein, or the heart. At the area of an aneurysm, there is typically a bulge and the wall is weakened and may rupture. The word “aneurysm” comes from the Greek “aneurysma” meaning “a widening.” * * *… … Medical dictionary
Aneurysm, arterial — An aneurysm involving an artery. As opposed to a venous aneurysm or a cardiac aneurysm. An aneurysm is a localized widening (dilatation) of an artery, vein, or the heart. At the area of an aneurysm, there is typically a bulge and the wall is… … Medical dictionary
arterial hemorrhage — the escape of blood from an artery, e.g., ruptured aneurysm … Medical dictionary
arterial varix — a racemose aneurysm or varicose artery … Medical dictionary
aneurysm — an•eu•rysm or an•eu•rism [[t]ˈæn yəˌrɪz əm[/t]] n. pat a permanent cardiac or arterial dilatation usu. caused by weakening of the vessel wall • Etymology: 1650–60; < Gk aneúrysma dilation, der. (with (s)ma n. suffix of result) of aneurýnein to … From formal English to slang
aneurysm — /ˈænjərɪzəm/ (say anyuhrizuhm) noun a permanent cardiac or arterial dilation usually caused by weakening of the vessel wall by diseases such as syphilis or arteriosclerosis. Also, aneurism. {Greek aneurysma dilatation} –aneurysmal, aneurismal… …
Venous aneurysm — A local widening and bulging (an aneurysm) of a vein. As opposed to an arterial aneurysm or a cardiac aneurysm. An aneurysm is a localized widening (dilatation) of an artery, vein, or the heart. At the area of an aneurysm, there is typically a… … Medical dictionary