- Pressor
- Causing a rise in blood pressure. A pressor base is a substance (chemically classified as a base) capable of raising the blood pressure. A pressor nerve is a nerve that, when stimulated, increases the blood pressure. A pressor reflex is a nerve reflex that constricts arterioles (small blood vessels) and thereby increases the blood pressure. A pressor substance is any substance that elevates arterial blood pressure. For example, prostacyclin (also known as prostaglandin PGI2) is a potent pressor agent. The word "pressor" comes from the French verb "presser" meaning "to exert pressure" or "to squeeze."
* * *Exciting to vasomotor activity; producing increased blood pressure; denoting afferent nerve fibers that, when stimulated, excite vasoconstrictors, which increase peripheral resistance. SYN: hypertensor. [L. premo, pp. pressus, to press]
* * *
pres·sor 'pres-.ȯr, -ər adj raising or tending to raise blood pressure <\pressor substances> also involving or producing an effect of vasoconstriction <\pressor reflexes> <a \pressor action>* * *
n.* * *
pres·sor (presґor) tending to increase blood pressure; said of nerves and chemical substances. Called also hypertensor.
Medical dictionary. 2011.