Posterior (anatomic orientation)

Posterior (anatomic orientation)
The back, as opposed to the anterior. In anatomy, certain terms are used to denote orientation. For example, such-and-such a structure may be horizontal, as opposed to vertical. A list of some of the terms of anatomic orientation in alphabetical order is as follows: Anterior: The front, as opposed to the posterior. Anteroposterior: From front to back, as opposed to posteroanterior. Caudad: Toward the tail (particularly in embryology), as opposed to cranial. Cranial: Toward the head (or pertaining to it), as opposed to caudad. Deep: Profound, as opposed to superficial. Distal: Far (or away from the trunk), as opposed to proximal. Dorsal: The back, as opposed to ventral. Horizontal: Flat, as opposed to vertical. Inferior: Below, as opposed to superior. Lateral: On the outside, as opposed to medial. Medial: In the middle or inside, as opposed to lateral. Posterior: The back, as opposed to the anterior. Posteroanterior: From back to front, as opposed to anteroposterior. Pronation: Rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm is down (and the corresponding movement of the foot and leg with the sole down), as opposed to supination. Prone: With the front or ventral surface downward (lying face down), as opposed to supine. Proximal: Near (or close to the trunk), as opposed to distal. Sagittal: Up and down, as opposed to transverse. Superficial: On the surface or shallow, as opposed to deep. Superior: Above, as opposed to inferior. Supination: Rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm is upward (and the corresponding movement of the foot and leg), as opposed to pronation. Supine: With the back or dorsal surface downward (lying face up), as opposed to prone. Transverse: Across, as opposed to sagittal. Ventral: Pertaining to the abdomen, as opposed to dorsal. Vertical: Upright, as opposed to horizontal.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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