
1. The small darkened area around the nipple of the breast. 2. The colored part of the iris around the pupil of the eye. 3. Any small space in a tissue.
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1. [NA] Any small area. 2. One of the spaces or interstices in areolar tissue. 3. SYN: a. of breast. 4. A pigmented, depigmented, or erythematous zone surrounding a papule, pustule, wheal, or cutaneous neoplasm. SYN: halo (3). [L. dim. of area]
- a. of breast [TA] a circular pigmented area surrounding the nipple (papilla mammae); its surface is dotted with little projections due to the presence of areolar glands beneath. SYN: a. mammae [TA], a. of nipple, a. papillaris, a. (3).
- a. mammae [TA] SYN: a. of breast.
- a. of nipple SYN: a. of breast.
- a. papillaris SYN: a. of breast.
- a. umbilicus a pigmented ring around the umbilicus in the pregnant woman.

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are·o·la ə-'-ə- n, pl -lae -. or -las a small area between things or about something: as
a) the colored ring around the nipple or around a vesicle or pustule
b) the portion of the iris that borders the pupil of the eye

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1. the brownish or pink ring of tissue surrounding the nipple of the breast.
2. the part of the iris that surrounds the pupil of the eye.
3. a small space in a tissue.
areolar adj.

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are·o·la (ə-reґo-lə) pl. areґolae [L., dim. of area space] 1. any minute space or interstice in a tissue; see areolar tissue, under tissue. 2. a circular area of a different color, surrounding a central point, such as around a pustule or vesicle, the pupil of the eye, or the nipple of the breast. areolar adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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